About us
We are a brand which has been born into mother nature. It's time to create a new feeling.
您的個人購物平台 Your personal shipping platform
始於2021年 Our journey began in 2021
Through our unique shopping platform, both online and offline, Goodbuyhk strive to offer customers a wide range of quality products at attractive price.
適合您的日常生活 A perfect fit for your every day life
旨在滿足不同的需求 designed to cater for diverse needs
產品 – 目前我們已上架超過23,000件產品,當中以電器及電子產品為主,並加插一些相關類別。
At the moment, we have over 23,000 listed products.
They are mainly electronics products with some other related items.
簡而精 Simple and quality
陸續有來 We’re just getting started
價錢 – 我們沒有高昂的舖租,每省下來的一分錢都反映在產品定價上,為消費者提供便宜及優質的產品一直是我們使命。
We do not have expensive rent and every penny saved is reflected in the product pricing. It is our core value to offer products at accessible price.
隨時為您服務 Here for you
送貨 Delivery
與物流合作夥伴安排配送上門服務,購物更容易。另外,客戶可選擇超過2000個自取點,亦可選擇在我們旗艦店自取。 Works with courier partner to provide home delivery service. Customers can also choose locker pick-up service at over 2,000 pick up points, or customers may self pick up at our flagship store.
企業批發及禮品訂購 gift order
個性化設計 Personalized design
好貨匯聚 Wide variety
The product is so good, and the quality is great, it is comfortable to wear, and operation is very simple, so I like this product very much. Highly recommended!
落單即日已有whatsapp跟進,包裝完好無缺, 用埋優惠比起其他商戶價錢平多$100,我下次買嘢梗係睇咗你哋先啦 !
Whatsapp follow-up on the day the order is placed, and the packaging is intact. With the discount, price is $100 cheaper than that of other merchants. Next time I will come here to check the price first!