公路照明遙控鋁合金防水戶外IP65 60 100 180 W LED太陽能路燈 Highway Lighting Remote Control Aluminum Waterproof Outdoor Ip65 60 100 180 W Led Solar Street Lamp
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公路照明遙控鋁合金防水戶外IP65 60 100 180 W LED太陽能路燈 Highway Lighting Remote Control Aluminum Waterproof Outdoor Ip65 60 100 180 W Led Solar Street Lamp


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公路照明遙控鋁合金防水戶外IP65 60 100 180 W LED太陽能路燈 Highway Lighting Remote Control Aluminum Waterproof Outdoor Ip65 60 100 180 W Led Solar Street Lamp

和‍ 5✳ 套裝尺寸的倍數:70.5x39x15cm‍ _newline_每批次毛重:8.000千克️ 鉛時間:數量(件)1 - 500> 500‍ EST。 _newline_時間(天)10進行談判‍ _newline_
視頻描述♥‿♥ 00:00️ 00:00☣ _newline_
Packaging & Delivery(ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง Selling Units:Multiple of 5↔ Package size per batch:70.5X39X15 cm️ _newline_
Gross weight per batch:8.000 kg≧☉_☉≦ :Quantity(Pieces)1 - 500>500⏰ 10‍ _newline_Video Description‍ 00:00️ 00:002

Product Currency: hkd

Product Price: 149

Price Valid Until: 1970-01-01

Product In-Stock: InStock

‍ 5✳ 裝尺寸的倍數:70.5x39x15cm‍
每批次毛重:8.000千克️ 。

♥‿♥ Goodbuyhk️ Goodbuyhk☣
Packaging & 💡(ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง 💡Multiple of 5↔ Package size per batch:70.5X39X15 cm️
Gross weight per batch:8.000 kg≧☉_☉≦ : ⏰ 10‍
‍ ️ 2

額外資訊 Additional information

尺寸 Dimensions 70.5 × 15 cm
狀態 Condition

新 New / 已使用 Used