熱賣電動炸鍋小電器🔎沒有石油供家用 😃ing Electric Fryer Small Appliances Without Oil For Household Use
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熱賣電動炸鍋小電器🔎沒有石油供家用 😃ing Electric Fryer Small Appliances Without Oil For Household Use


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‍ 產品資訊‍ 提供售後服務:免費備‍
保修:1年^̮^ 應用:Hotel,家庭^̮^ 電源:電動‍
Goodbuyhk‍ 和┬┴┬┴┤(・_├┬┴┬┴ 送達 – ️

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ ‍ Product info5
After-sales Service Provided:Free spare parts‍ Warranty:1 Year⛱ Application:Hotel, Household‍
Power Source:Electric▫ GoodbuyhkGoodbuyhk‍ Packaging & ♓❤ : ‍ 15♀

‍ (。◕‿‿◕。) 市金陵電氣


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