新型防水可折疊儲物籃棉和亞麻髒衣服籃子玩具雜物雜物存儲桶 New Waterproof Foldable Storage Baskets Cotton And Linen Dirty Clothes Basket Toy Sundries Storage Bucket
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新型防水可折疊儲物籃棉和亞麻髒衣服籃子玩具雜物雜物存儲桶 New Waterproof Foldable Storage Baskets Cotton And Linen Dirty Clothes Basket Toy Sundries Storage Bucket


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✔ 產品資訊* 類型:存儲盒和✊
產品:儲存籃️ 形狀:方形,方形⚕ 規格:33 * 33 * 33cm‍
風格:Classic‍ 材質:棉和亞麻,棉和亞麻織物✋
品牌名稱:Homelab➿ 型號:0855B✈ 功能設計:多功能✊
尺寸公差:<±2cm‍ 體重公差:<±5%(含)☂ 尺寸:0855b▶
類別:家庭‍ 和
(˘▾˘ ) 賣🍔:單物品‍
Goodbuyhk封裝尺寸:35x35x2.5 cm️ Goodbuyhk毛重:0.280 kg‍ :包装袋 plastic package包⚕

‍ ⛰
Product info‍ Type:Storage Boxes & Bins⤴ Product:Storage Basket️
Shape:square, square1 Specification:33*33*33CM️ Style:CLASSIC。◕‿‿◕。
Material:cot and linen, cot and linen⛸ GoodbuyhkGoodbuyhk3 Brand Name:HOMELAB‍
Model Number:0855B✋ Functional design:Multifunction⚕ Dimensional tolerance:<±2cm✍ Weight tolerance:<±5%(含)☘ Size:0855B‍ Category:household/╲/╭( ͡° ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ͡°)╮/╱
Packaging & 🍔(._.) ( L: ) ( .-. ) ( :L ) (._.) 🍔🍔⃣ Single package size:35X35X2.5 cmಠ⌣ಠ
Single gross weight:0.280 kg⛄
產品描述‍ 項目名稱‍ 新型防水可折疊儲物筐棉和亞麻髒衣服籃子玩具雜物儲存桶‍
材質️ 棉亞麻➖ 顏色/尺寸‍
如圖‍ 33 * 33 * 33cm㊗ 細節‍
包装袋 plastic package包‍ 人性化設計 user-friendly design / 人性化設計 user-friendly design
服務✈ 現貨9
🍔,Goodbuyhk⏪ 多種款色&工具&️ 1)🍔:壓花,擊敗,印♦
2)工具約:️ 3)工具成本:基於精確的藝術品☃ Sample◔̯◔
)現有️ 2)定製✨ 3)成本:3D / PC⛈
生產️ :確認後♓ 1)

額外資訊 Additional information

重量 Weight 0.280 kg
尺寸 Dimensions 2 cm
狀態 Condition

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