法國純鋁烤漆異形煤油口袋戰壕打火機古董打火機1930年代的經 French pure aluminum paint special-shaped kerosene pocket trench lighter antique lighter 1930s (>ლ) ⚫ (ᵔᴥᵔ)
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法國純鋁烤漆異形煤油口袋戰壕打火機古董打火機1930年代的經 French pure aluminum paint special-shaped kerosene pocket trench lighter antique lighter 1930s (>ლ) ⚫ (ᵔᴥᵔ)


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典口袋機型。整機純鋁打造,機殼黑色烤漆。用料精純厚重,製造精良。百年滄桑,烤漆握持部位局部磨光漏底,更顯古樸韻味。歲月靜好,品相詳見實物全角度照片和視頻。功能極佳,打火犀利,打火率百靈。二手貴重物品,請認真查看諮詢,售出簽收即為認同概不退換。 ⃣㊙

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