產品資訊̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿'̿'̵͇̿̿З= ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀) =Ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ Goodbuyhk,Goodbuyhk️
品牌名稱:AZONE / 人性化設計 user-friendly design♀ 型號:TLEC69E-Q11⛓ 保修:1年♟
品牌名稱:AZONE / 人性化設計 user-friendly design♀ 型號:TLEC69E-Q11⛓ 保修:1年♟
認證:CE(☞ຈل͜ຈ)☞ 特殊功能:360度
無線攝像機 傳感器:CMOS
STYLE:Fisheye相機,燈泡相機⛷ 功能:夜視 視頻壓縮格式:H.264ರ_ರ
數據存儲選項:存儲卡️ 應用:室內 自選支持:在線技術支持(☞ຈل͜ຈ)☞
技術:網絡 傳感器類型:
130W高性能圖像傳感器(ง'̀-‘́)ง 照明:白光LED,功耗7.5W
查看角:水平360度開頭視圖 應用:360EYES.CLUB️ 本地存儲:TF卡,最大支持128G↕
️ 視頻控制:支持☀ 運動檢測:支持
和⚱ Goodbuyhk項目◔ ⌣ ◔ 單封裝尺寸:18.5×18.5×17 cm️
單個毛重:1.500 kg⏫ 裝類型:紙,空氣
口袋,可以設計盒子作為你的要求。 1。
無線攝像機 傳感器:CMOS
STYLE:Fisheye相機,燈泡相機⛷ 功能:夜視 視頻壓縮格式:H.264ರ_ರ
數據存儲選項:存儲卡️ 應用:室內 自選支持:在線技術支持(☞ຈل͜ຈ)☞
技術:網絡 傳感器類型:
130W高性能圖像傳感器(ง'̀-‘́)ง 照明:白光LED,功耗7.5W
查看角:水平360度開頭視圖 應用:360EYES.CLUB️ 本地存儲:TF卡,最大支持128G↕
️ 視頻控制:支持☀ 運動檢測:支持
和⚱ Goodbuyhk項目◔ ⌣ ◔ 單封裝尺寸:18.5×18.5×17 cm️
單個毛重:1.500 kg⏫ 裝類型:紙,空氣
口袋,可以設計盒子作為你的要求。 1。
內部支撐️ 3。
說明 圖示例:優惠。
⚽ 3MP迷你無線360度全景魚眼WiFi CCTV燈泡相機
Product info⃣ GoodbuyhkGoodbuyhk, Goodbuyhk️ Brand Name:AZONE/人性化設計 user-friendly design️
Model Number:TLEC69E-Q11☝ Warranty:1 Year⏱ Certification:ce⚖
Special Features:360 Degree Wireless Camera️ Sensor:CMOS☝ Style:Fisheye Camera, Bulb Camera❄
說明 圖示例:優惠。
⚽ 3MP迷你無線360度全景魚眼WiFi CCTV燈泡相機
Product info⃣ GoodbuyhkGoodbuyhk, Goodbuyhk️ Brand Name:AZONE/人性化設計 user-friendly design️
Model Number:TLEC69E-Q11☝ Warranty:1 Year⏱ Certification:ce⚖
Special Features:360 Degree Wireless Camera️ Sensor:CMOS☝ Style:Fisheye Camera, Bulb Camera❄
Function:NIGHT VISION️ Video Compression Format:H.264 Data Storage Options:Memory Card❣
Application:Indoor Customized sup:Online technical sup️ Technology:NetWorkರ_ರ
Sensor Type:130W High Performance Image Sensor(^̮^) Illumination: White LED,power consumption 7.5W️ View Angle:Horizontal 360 degrees overhead view
App:360eyes.club Local storage:TF card, maximum sup 128G☜(⌒▽⌒)☞ Cloud Storage:Sup️
Sensor Type:130W High Performance Image Sensor(^̮^) Illumination: White LED,power consumption 7.5W️ View Angle:Horizontal 360 degrees overhead view
App:360eyes.club Local storage:TF card, maximum sup 128G☜(⌒▽⌒)☞ Cloud Storage:Sup️
Video control:Sup Motion detection:Sup( ͡°╭͜ʖ╮͡° ) Delivery️
Selling Units:Single item️ Single package size:18.5X18.5X17 cm️ Single gross weight:1.500 kg️
Selling Units:Single item️ Single package size:18.5X18.5X17 cm️ Single gross weight:1.500 kg️
產品描述️ 規格:*快速連接和穩定連接。 *雙加密視頻帳戶。 (˘▾˘ )
*全景360度魚眼鏡鏡,1.3mp / 3mp高清像素。️ *支持最多128GTF卡。❕ *雙向語音對講機,實時屏幕監控。️
*人體傳感PIR功能,當人們來時,燈光亮起,當人們去時熄火。 *新增的AP熱點功能。️ *添加ONVIF協議以連接DVR NVR。2
*添加存儲卡事錄製報警。 *支持手機播放,存儲卡插入計算機播放 *應用自適應多語言。/╲/╭( ͡° ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ͡°)╮/╱
*雲存儲免費試用一個月。 產品名稱:互聯網網絡高清視頻攝像機✈ 產品型號:EC69E-Q11️
技術參數️ 處理器:T20L + SC1235️ :360EYES.CLUB
IMAGE傳感器:1/3漸進式CMOS⏳ 鏡片內置:1.44mm,360度Fisheye鏡頭(づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ 查看角度:水平360度開頭視圖(ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
手動視頻格式:MP4(移動移動中的3MP,存儲) 視頻壓縮標準:H.264(儲存在T中F卡)✈ 音頻壓縮標準:G.711(TF卡儲存)⁉
*全景360度魚眼鏡鏡,1.3mp / 3mp高清像素。️ *支持最多128GTF卡。❕ *雙向語音對講機,實時屏幕監控。️
*人體傳感PIR功能,當人們來時,燈光亮起,當人們去時熄火。 *新增的AP熱點功能。️ *添加ONVIF協議以連接DVR NVR。2
*添加存儲卡事錄製報警。 *支持手機播放,存儲卡插入計算機播放 *應用自適應多語言。/╲/╭( ͡° ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ͡°)╮/╱
*雲存儲免費試用一個月。 產品名稱:互聯網網絡高清視頻攝像機✈ 產品型號:EC69E-Q11️
技術參數️ 處理器:T20L + SC1235️ :360EYES.CLUB
IMAGE傳感器:1/3漸進式CMOS⏳ 鏡片內置:1.44mm,360度Fisheye鏡頭(づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ 查看角度:水平360度開頭視圖(ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
手動視頻格式:MP4(移動移動中的3MP,存儲) 視頻壓縮標準:H.264(儲存在T中F卡)✈ 音頻壓縮標準:G.711(TF卡儲存)⁉
視頻幀速率:最多25 FPS️ 視頻播放模式:移動應用程序️ 音頻輸入和輸出:輸入:內置麥克風;輸出:內置揚聲器️
IR夜視:IR LED: IR LED,功耗2W;通過圖像對比度控制開關,IR夜視距離10米;(͡ ͡° ͜ つ ͡͡°) 自動模式:控制燈通過圖像對比度控制燈(IR -CUT自動切換);手動模式:手動調整應用程序上的亮度(IR-CUT自動切換)〽 照明:白色LED,功耗7.5W⚧
聚焦方法:手動️ 本地存儲: TF卡,最大支持128G▫ 雲存儲:支持⏱
支持多項協議:TCP / UDP,IP,H銀行轉帳 Bank transferP,SMTP,DHCP,DDNS,UPnP,NTP️ WIFI協議:IEEE 802.11b / g / n(͡ ͡° ͜ つ ͡͡°) 視頻控制:支持
運動檢測:支持✔ 報警動作:移動應用程序推送截圖️ 人類感應⏫
PIR,支持人體紅外線感應檢測報警 用戶設置:最大分享到5個用戶⃣ 系統界面:1 TF接口, 1重置按鈕
電源電壓:AC100☢ 240V♿ 功耗:<15W[̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]
IR夜視:IR LED: IR LED,功耗2W;通過圖像對比度控制開關,IR夜視距離10米;(͡ ͡° ͜ つ ͡͡°) 自動模式:控制燈通過圖像對比度控制燈(IR -CUT自動切換);手動模式:手動調整應用程序上的亮度(IR-CUT自動切換)〽 照明:白色LED,功耗7.5W⚧
聚焦方法:手動️ 本地存儲: TF卡,最大支持128G▫ 雲存儲:支持⏱
支持多項協議:TCP / UDP,IP,H銀行轉帳 Bank transferP,SMTP,DHCP,DDNS,UPnP,NTP️ WIFI協議:IEEE 802.11b / g / n(͡ ͡° ͜ つ ͡͡°) 視頻控制:支持
運動檢測:支持✔ 報警動作:移動應用程序推送截圖️ 人類感應⏫
PIR,支持人體紅外線感應檢測報警 用戶設置:最大分享到5個用戶⃣ 系統界面:1 TF接口, 1重置按鈕
電源電壓:AC100☢ 240V♿ 功耗:<15W[̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]
工作溫度:0℃-60℃ 應用:室內 產品尺寸:16 * 16 * 15cmರ_ರ
尺寸:18.5 * 18.5 * 17cm☝ net重量:279g≧☉_☉≦ 總重量/ PC:505g❄
紙尺寸:77 * 36.3 * 97cm( / car)♊ 毛重/紙:22.12kg(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ 和配:1。彩盒
2。內部支撐 3。說明✈ Product Description⚪
尺寸:18.5 * 18.5 * 17cm☝ net重量:279g≧☉_☉≦ 總重量/ PC:505g❄
紙尺寸:77 * 36.3 * 97cm( / car)♊ 毛重/紙:22.12kg(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ 和配:1。彩盒
2。內部支撐 3。說明✈ Product Description⚪
Specification:* Fast connection and stable connection.ಠ╭╮ಠ * Double encryption of video account.⛴ * Panoramic 360-degree fisheye lens, 1.3mp / 3mp HD pixels.┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ)
* Sups up to 128GTF cards.(ʘᗩʘ') * Two-way voice intercom, real-time screen monitoring.↩ * The human body sensing PIR function, the lights come on when people come, the lights go off when people go.️
* Newly added AP hotspot function.⚕ * Add onvif protocol to connect DVR NVR. * Add memory card event recording alarm.
* Sup mobile phone playback, memory card inserted computer playbackℹ * APP adaptive multi-language.️ * Cloud storage free trial for one month.^̮^
Product name:Internet network HD video camera⛷ Product model:EC69E-Q11️ Technical parameter❤
* Sups up to 128GTF cards.(ʘᗩʘ') * Two-way voice intercom, real-time screen monitoring.↩ * The human body sensing PIR function, the lights come on when people come, the lights go off when people go.️
* Newly added AP hotspot function.⚕ * Add onvif protocol to connect DVR NVR. * Add memory card event recording alarm.
* Sup mobile phone playback, memory card inserted computer playbackℹ * APP adaptive multi-language.️ * Cloud storage free trial for one month.^̮^
Product name:Internet network HD video camera⛷ Product model:EC69E-Q11️ Technical parameter❤
Processor:T20L+SC1235 Platform:360eyes.club☘ Image sensor:1/3 Progressive Scan CMOS◀
Built in lens:1.44mm, 360 degrees fisheye lens(Ó Ì_Í)=ÓÒ=(Ì_Í Ò) View Angle:Horizontal 360 degrees overhead view Manual video format:MP4(3MP,storage in mobile)
Video compression standard:H.264(Storge in TF card ) Audio compression standard:G.711(Storge in TF card )⚖ Video frame rate:Maximum 25 fps️
Video playback mode:Mobile APP☁ Audio input and output:Input: built in microphone; output: built-in speaker⛹ IR night vision:Ir leds: ir leds,power consumption 2W; Through the image contrast control switch, IR night vision distance 10 meters;️
Automatic mode: control lights switch by the image contrast(IR-CUT automatic switching); Manual mode: manually adjust the brightness of the light on the APP (IR-CUT automatic switching)® Illumination: White LED,power consumption 7.5W⌛
Focusing method:Manual Local storage:TF card, maximum sup 128G⚕ Cloud Storage:Sup
Built in lens:1.44mm, 360 degrees fisheye lens(Ó Ì_Í)=ÓÒ=(Ì_Í Ò) View Angle:Horizontal 360 degrees overhead view Manual video format:MP4(3MP,storage in mobile)
Video compression standard:H.264(Storge in TF card ) Audio compression standard:G.711(Storge in TF card )⚖ Video frame rate:Maximum 25 fps️
Video playback mode:Mobile APP☁ Audio input and output:Input: built in microphone; output: built-in speaker⛹ IR night vision:Ir leds: ir leds,power consumption 2W; Through the image contrast control switch, IR night vision distance 10 meters;️
Automatic mode: control lights switch by the image contrast(IR-CUT automatic switching); Manual mode: manually adjust the brightness of the light on the APP (IR-CUT automatic switching)® Illumination: White LED,power consumption 7.5W⌛
Focusing method:Manual Local storage:TF card, maximum sup 128G⚕ Cloud Storage:Sup
Sup multiple protocols:、IP、H銀行轉帳 Bank transferP、SMTP、DHCP、DDNS、UPNP、NTP┬─┬ ︵ /(.□. ) WiFi protocol:IEEE 802.11b/g/n Video control:Sup❣
Motion detection:Sup Alarm action:Mobile APP push screenshot Human Induction️
Motion detection:Sup Alarm action:Mobile APP push screenshot Human Induction️
PIR, Sup human infrared induction detection alarm༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ User settings:Max share to 5 users❗ System interface:1 TF interface、1 reset but️
Supply voltage:AC100~240V✈ Power consumption:<15W Working temperature:0℃ -60℃️
Supply voltage:AC100~240V✈ Power consumption:<15W Working temperature:0℃ -60℃️
Applica:Indoor Product size:16*16*15cm Packing size:18.5*18.5*17cm
Net weight:279g️ Gross weight/pc:505g⛱ Car size:77*36.3*97cm(/Car)⃣
Gross wei:22.12Kg✏ Packaging and accessories:1. Color box️ 2. Inner sup 3. Instructions⛹