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2021兒童服裝春季秋秋女套裝韓國版兒童寬鬆運動汗衫套2件褲套裝 2021 Kid Clothing Spring Autumn Girls’ Suit Korean Version Children’s Loose Sports Sweat Shirt Set Of 2 Pieces Pant Set


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☦ 產品資訊♎ Goodbuyhk☹
型號:20c12⛹ 織物類型:jersey⃣ 供應類型:庫存物品⚽
⃣ 材質:95%棉5%氨綸️ 圖案類型
風格:休閒⃣ 訂單提前支持♀ 顏色:黃色,藍色,橙色️
類型:賭船⏺ 性別:女孩️ 偶然:休閒生活✡
尺寸:90-140 cm=U 關鍵詞:運動服✋ :
aivbale➿ 運輸:順豐速運 Sfexpress 香港本地快遞/海外快遞 Hong Kong Local Exprrseas Express 嘉里物流 Kerry Express FedEx EMS⛹ Sample:接受定製⛵
年齡:2-10歲‍ 和⛵ Goodbuyhk項目‍
尺寸:35x30x3 cm↪ Goodbuyhk毛重:0.300 kg‍ 圖示例:exive。
‍ (^̮^) Product info⛹
GoodbuyhkGoodbuyhk️ Model Number:20C12‍ Fabric Type:Jersey‍
GoodbuyhkIn-Stock Items️ ‍ Material:95% Cot 5% spandex﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿ O'RLY♎
Pattern Type:Print️ Style:Casual‍ order :Sup⚕
Color:yellow, blue, orangeಠ ಠ Type:Casaul‍ Gender:girls⏺
Occasion:Casual Life↘ Size:90-140 cm‍ Key words:s wear༼ ºل͟º ༼ ºل͟º ༼ ºل͟º ༽ ºل͟º ༽ ºل͟º ༽
:Availbale️ Shipping:順豐速運 Sfexpress 香港本地快遞/海外快遞 Hong Kong Local Exprrseas Express 嘉里物流 Kerry Express Fedex EMS┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ) Sample:Accept Customize Sample️
Age:2-10 Years⚆ _ ⚆ Packaging & ✌ ♎♎(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)
Single package size:35X30X3 cm(ᵔᴥᵔ) Single gross weight:0.300 kg️ Picture Example:: ಠ⌣ಠ 15㊗

‍ 為了更好地確保您的商品,專業,環保,方便,便捷,高效的服務將提供。⚠ ☍ & ‍ To better ensure the safety of your goods, professional, environmentally friendly, convenient and efficient packaging services will be provided.⛈

產品描述‍ 風格編號:20c12☜(˚▽˚)☞ 顏色:橙色,藍色,黃色☜(⌒▽⌒)☞
尺寸:90cm-140cm(。◕‿‿◕。) 場合:運動服️ Product Description♌
Style number:20C12‍ Color:Orange, Blue, Yellow⃣ Size:90CM-140cm‍ Occasion:s wear♀

額外資訊 Additional information

重量 Weight 0.300 kg
尺寸 Dimensions 90140 cm