超市辦公室的OBALS嵌入式圓形SMD 25W 30W 40W 48W 50W 60W LED筒燈 Obals For Supermarket Office Recessed Mounted Round Smd 25w 30w 40w 48w 50w 60w Led Downlight
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超市辦公室的OBALS嵌入式圓形SMD 25W 30W 40W 48W 50W 60W LED筒燈 Obals For Supermarket Office Recessed Mounted Round Smd 25w 30w 40w 48w 50w 60w Led Downlight


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超市辦公室的OBALS嵌入式圓形SMD 25W 30W 40W 48W 50W 60W LED筒燈 Obals For Supermarket Office Recessed Mounted Round Smd 25w 30w 40w 48w 50w 60w Led Downlight

和♀ 10♀ 封裝尺寸的倍數每批次:56.5x38.5x33 cm♈ _newline_每批毛重毛:14.600 kg☀ 類型:紙箱盒(ʘᗩʘ') 鉛時間:數量(件)1 - _newline_
10000> 10000️ _newline_
EST。 _newline_
時間(天)15進行談判☸ 視頻描述⛏ 00:00⚕ _newline_
00:00️ Packaging & Delivery‍ Selling Units:Multiple of 10️ _newline_
Package size per batch:56.5X38.5X33 cm️ Gross weight per batch:14.600 kg⬛ Package Type:car box️ _newline_:Quantity(Pieces)1 - 10000>10000⛓ 15☘ Video Description‍ 00:00️ 00:00‍
(._.) ( L: ) ( .-. ) ( :L ) (._.)

Product Currency: hkd

Product Price: 285

Price Valid Until: 1970-01-01

Product In-Stock: InStock

♀ 10♀ 封裝尺寸的倍數每批次:56.5×38.5×33 cm♈
每批毛重毛:14.600 kg☀ 類型:紙盒(ʘᗩʘ') –

☸ ⛏ Goodbuyhk⚕
Goodbuyhk️ Packaging & 😃‍ 😃Multiple of 10️
Package size per batch:56.5X38.5X33 cm️ Gross weight per batch:14.600 kg⬛

額外資訊 Additional information

重量 Weight 14.600 kg
尺寸 Dimensions 56.5 cm
狀態 Condition

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