Wircard雙頻帶1750Mbps BCM94360CD 802.11ac Wifi無線BT 4.0 BCM94360CD⚽Hackintosh Mac OS的本機卡AirDrop Wircard Dual Band 1750mbps Bcm94360cd 802.11ac Wifi Wireless Bt 4.0 Bcm94360cd Native Card Airdrop For Hackintosh Mac Os
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Wircard雙頻帶1750Mbps BCM94360CD 802.11ac Wifi無線BT 4.0 BCM94360CD⚽Hackintosh Mac OS的本機卡AirDrop Wircard Dual Band 1750mbps Bcm94360cd 802.11ac Wifi Wireless Bt 4.0 Bcm94360cd Native Card Airdrop For Hackintosh Mac Os


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⛹ 產品資訊️ 產品狀態:庫存▪
應用:筆記本電腦〰 類型:無線‍ 種類:內部©
傳輸速率:1750mbps‍ 界麵類型:Mini PCI-Express‍ 認證:CE‍
⏭ 型號:94360cd⏰ 地方Goodbuyhk⛰
產品名稱:94360CD(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ 芯片組:Rodcom BCM94360CD(ᵔᴥᵔ) 速度:1750Mbps‍
BT:4.0‍ 頻段:2.4 / 5.8GHz ISM‍ 支持電腦系統:Windows 10 / Hackintosh / Linux /
Mac OS️
保修:12個月‍ &送貨(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ 賣☑️:單‍
☑️尺寸:10x5x2 cm️ Goodbuyhk毛重:0.050 kg️ 類型:紙️

額外資訊 Additional information

重量 Weight 0.050 kg
尺寸 Dimensions 10 × 5 × 2 cm