彩色門禁室外可視門鈴對講機監視器 Color Access Control Outdoor Video Door Phone Intercoms Monitors
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彩色門禁室外可視門鈴對講機監視器 Color Access Control Outdoor Video Door Phone Intercoms Monitors


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‍ 產品資訊️ Bryansk Oblast,俄羅斯聯邦⛵
品牌名稱:Metakom‍ 型號:MKV-VM8↙ 特殊功能: – 裝和️
優惠 – 1
> 1️ 。
‍ ﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿ O'RLY♘
Product info(ง'̀-‘́)ง GoodbuyhkBryansk Oblast, Russian Federation️ Brand Name:Metakom✊
Model Number:MKV-VM8(☞゚∀゚)☞ Special Features:-⛱ Packaging & ♘‍ : ⤴ 7♑

產品說明‍ 彩色視頻監視器MEKV-VM8旨在組織與訪問者的訪問控制和雙向音頻和視頻通信作為對講機的一部分。‍ 一個METAKOM戶外面板,在4線連接系統上工作,一個與尋址坐標系配合的MetaKoM室外面板,以及額外的外部攝像機和可選顯示器(選項)可以連接到顯示器。
視頻監視器完全適用於連接與坐標對講機 – Metakom,Vizit,Cyfral及其類似物,而無需使用接口模元。️
這激活了監視器之間的“對講機”功能,並且有可能將呼叫轉移到額外的監視器。⛄ 規格ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ MKV-VM8️
顯示➰ 4,3“TFT(☞゚∀゚)☞ ImageType⤵
Color️ DC電源電壓,V️ 255‍
最大電流消耗在待機模式下,不超過,MA˙ ͜ʟ˙ 100◀ 持續的談話,S‍
60༼ ºل͟º ༼ ºل͟º ༼ ºل͟º ༽ ºل͟º ༽ ºل͟º ༽ 音頻通信系統▶ “免提”☹

工作溫度✋ 0 … + 40°С‍ 相對濕度⚛
95%在35°С️ 尺寸,mm♀ 180х112х17(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
重量沒有封裝,kg,不超過‍ 0,3ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ 函數‍
自動視頻監視器在呼叫進來時;️ 當呼叫進來時的聲音信號的形成;
(;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) 訂閱者的雙工通信訪客;‍
在不打斷連接的情況下打開鎖定;️ 在待機模式下從連接的攝像機查看視頻圖像;‍ InternalAudiOnmunication(Intercommode)。‍
特點♊ 帶背光的觸摸鍵盤;‍ 兩個通信頻道(第一個是尋址的坐標系,第二個是逗號系統);️

調整offringingvolume;(。◕‿◕。) 調整圖像的亮度和顏色;‍ 連接額外的外部攝像機的可能性;️
使用4線時連接到主視頻監視器,最多可連接三個額外的視頻監視器。⌛ 詳細圖像️ 的產品➗
的產品⚕ 的( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ) Ltd“Metakom”專門從事對講設備的生產和✌
在訪問控制中自1996年以來的系統市場。❣ 產品線是用於門禁系統的完整現代解決方案。️ 生產的設備具有高度的開發水平,並允許您有效地解決任何復雜性的問題。️
不斷提高工程解決方案的設備生產,升級技術水平,3級質量控制是一種可靠性和長壽的保證的設備。⤴ 本發展的主要目標與ACS市場的現代需求密切相關,並確保與的夥伴和消費者的互利和舒適的。‍ 專業對要求的態度客戶,完全遵守義務,開放性是成功的基礎。️
很樂意為您工作,並不勝感激您的!◻ Product Description(っ˘ڡ˘Σ) Color video monitor METAKOM MKV-VM8 is designed to organize access control and two-way audio and video communications with the visitor as part of the intercoms METAKOM.☠
One METAKOM outdoor panel, working on a 4-wire connection system, one METAKOM outdoor panel that works with the coordinate system of addressing, as well as an additional external video camera and an optional monitor (option) can be connected to the monitor. The video monitor is fully adapted for connection to coordinate intercoms – METAKOM, VIZIT, CYFRAL and their analogues, without using the interface module.⬅ Up to three additional monitors can be connected to the main monitor. This activates the “intercom” function between the monitors and there is the possibility of transferring the call to an additional monitor.️ Specifications(>ლ)
MKV-VM8‍ Display☑ 4,3″ TFT(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
ImageType(• Ε •) colorಠ‿↼ DC supply voltage, V^̮^
255✈ Maximum current consumption in standby mode, not more than, mA‍ 100[̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]
Duration of the conversation, s️ 60▪ Audio communication system‍
“hands-free'☘ Working temperature️ 0…+40°С¬_¬
Relative humidity⚽ 95% at 35°С⚖ Dimensions, mm️
180х112х17‍ Weight without package, kg, not more than‍ 0,3️
Functions♀ Automatic video monitor on when a call comes in;✌ The formation of a sound signal when a call comes in;‍
Duplex communication of the subscriber with the visitor;‍ Opening the lock without interrupting the connection;️ Viewing video images from connected cameras in standby mode;⛪
Internalaudiocommunication (intercommode).✋ Features0 Touch-sensitive keyboard with backlight;⛎
Two communication channels (the first is the coordinate system of addressing, the second is the Commax system);️ Adjustmentofringingvolume;(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ ☜(゚ヮ゚☜) Adjustment of brightness and color of the image;❔
Possibility of connecting an additional external video camera;ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ When using a 4-wire connection to the main video monitor, up to three additional video monitors can be connected.‍ Detailed Images️
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