ℹ 細節⚙ 酒店客房家具 – 卡鎖,安全,迷你吧冰式開關
1個電腦。 L485 * D425 * H240mm◼ ️
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ) Goodbuyhk♏ ( ゚ヮ゚)
酒店房間家具 – 卡鎖,安全,迷你吧冰,開關☪ 酒店客房家具♿ 1。酒店客房家具施工〽
-5mm冷軋鋼門️ -two 3/4英寸(19mm)直徑鋼鎖螺栓⌨ -scratch型粉末塗層精加工
2。特點:酒店房間家具㊙ ☍
代碼隱藏功能(LED顯示型號) 代碼組合:從1到10個數字。️ 薄膜觸摸按鈕鍵盤和LED展示。┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ)
電動開啟和鎖定。◕‿◕。 防銹表面具有優質粉末塗層的塗抹,各種顏色可用¯(°_O)/¯ 在3次錯誤的情況下持有15分鐘。
指令在面板上打印 覆蓋緊急鑰匙/主代碼。⏹ 使用TM卡(I按鈕)覆蓋可用的緊急主鍵型號。┬┴┬┴┤(・_├┬┴┬┴
I按鈕緊急大師鑰匙使酒店客房管理更加方便。 酒店客房家具 – 卡鎖,安全,迷你吧冰,開關⤵ 3。其他:酒店房間家具⛽
-Warranty:2年 – 禁止:4 AA️ -low電池警告
– 禁止 4。尺寸可選酒店房間家具 H x W x D m m mb -2031⚛
200 * 310 * 200 5mm2 mm
8kg 16l⚓ mb -2040⛰
200 * 400 * 300️ 5 mm 2mm⚓
1☍ 緊急打開覆蓋。♉ 外部電源。️
直接連接安全,無軟。✡ I按鈕緊急大師鑰匙設有更方便的酒店客房家具 RFQ為保險️
1 。您為安全使用的材料是什麼?⚔ 使用鋼安全。〰 2。您可以安全地包含筆記本電腦嗎?♦
所有的保險型號都有靈活的尺寸。 Starnd大小都是筆記本電腦尺寸。(´・Ω・`) 3。在裡面是否可以被禁止充電器?(っ˘ڡ˘Σ) 一些安全型號內部有電子☍。它安裝在安全的內部門上。⃣
4。您使用多少電池用於安全?(¬‿¬) 4 AA鹼性電池♨ 5。如果電池到期,如何打開安全?✊
如果電池到期,仍然可以使用外部電池盒或機電鑰匙打開安全。所有的SFAE模型都有兩個設備。 6。如果客人通過安全門關閉,如何打開保險?️ 的保險具有管理密碼或根據不同的型號具有手持設備。安全可以通過上述任何一種方式打開。
7。可以更改客戶密碼和主密碼嗎?♥ 是,可以更改管理代碼和客戶代碼。️ 8。當操作安全時,可以隱藏傳遞嗎?◉_◉
是,您可以在安全的安全上按兩個按鈕來隱藏密碼,以便在打開安全時,Noboday可以從LCD屏幕中看到密碼。 9。可以使用Master Mechnical鍵進行保險嗎?⚠ 是,主鍵可用於所有安全型號,但在放置P.O時需要標記它。☍默認氣缸是單獨的。⚖
10。你能做什麼顏色?❌ 可以製作你想要的顏色,但是要使不同的顏色更加顏色可以更多,並且可以更長的時間。️ 11。可以在牆上固定安全嗎?(;一_一)
是的,你可以,所有的保險都☍了牆壁製作孔和螺釘。 12。是您的安全防火保險嗎? 否,安全專為酒店客房使用而設計,酒店保險不需要防火。防火保險通常用於銀行或其他具有較全性需求的地方。
13。你有房間卡的保險嗎?️ 現在沒有。這不是的困難產品,可以製作它。但問題是,現在,越來越多的酒店使用房卡操作保險 Packaging & ☍⏰ Packaging Details️
hotel room furniture – card locks ,safe box ,minibar fridge ,switch(ღ˘⌣˘ღ) 1 pc per car .️ L485*D425*H240mm(´・Ω・)っ由
☝ Goodbuyhk〽 : ♀
hotel room furniture – card locks ,safe box ,minibar fridge ,switch°Д° hotel room furniture⚕
1個電腦。 L485 * D425 * H240mm◼ ️
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ) Goodbuyhk♏ ( ゚ヮ゚)
酒店房間家具 – 卡鎖,安全,迷你吧冰,開關☪ 酒店客房家具♿ 1。酒店客房家具施工〽
-5mm冷軋鋼門️ -two 3/4英寸(19mm)直徑鋼鎖螺栓⌨ -scratch型粉末塗層精加工
2。特點:酒店房間家具㊙ ☍
代碼隱藏功能(LED顯示型號) 代碼組合:從1到10個數字。️ 薄膜觸摸按鈕鍵盤和LED展示。┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ)
電動開啟和鎖定。◕‿◕。 防銹表面具有優質粉末塗層的塗抹,各種顏色可用¯(°_O)/¯ 在3次錯誤的情況下持有15分鐘。
指令在面板上打印 覆蓋緊急鑰匙/主代碼。⏹ 使用TM卡(I按鈕)覆蓋可用的緊急主鍵型號。┬┴┬┴┤(・_├┬┴┬┴
I按鈕緊急大師鑰匙使酒店客房管理更加方便。 酒店客房家具 – 卡鎖,安全,迷你吧冰,開關⤵ 3。其他:酒店房間家具⛽
-Warranty:2年 – 禁止:4 AA️ -low電池警告
– 禁止 4。尺寸可選酒店房間家具 H x W x D m m mb -2031⚛
200 * 310 * 200 5mm2 mm
8kg 16l⚓ mb -2040⛰
200 * 400 * 300️ 5 mm 2mm⚓
1☍ 緊急打開覆蓋。♉ 外部電源。️
直接連接安全,無軟。✡ I按鈕緊急大師鑰匙設有更方便的酒店客房家具 RFQ為保險️
1 。您為安全使用的材料是什麼?⚔ 使用鋼安全。〰 2。您可以安全地包含筆記本電腦嗎?♦
所有的保險型號都有靈活的尺寸。 Starnd大小都是筆記本電腦尺寸。(´・Ω・`) 3。在裡面是否可以被禁止充電器?(っ˘ڡ˘Σ) 一些安全型號內部有電子☍。它安裝在安全的內部門上。⃣
4。您使用多少電池用於安全?(¬‿¬) 4 AA鹼性電池♨ 5。如果電池到期,如何打開安全?✊
如果電池到期,仍然可以使用外部電池盒或機電鑰匙打開安全。所有的SFAE模型都有兩個設備。 6。如果客人通過安全門關閉,如何打開保險?️ 的保險具有管理密碼或根據不同的型號具有手持設備。安全可以通過上述任何一種方式打開。
7。可以更改客戶密碼和主密碼嗎?♥ 是,可以更改管理代碼和客戶代碼。️ 8。當操作安全時,可以隱藏傳遞嗎?◉_◉
是,您可以在安全的安全上按兩個按鈕來隱藏密碼,以便在打開安全時,Noboday可以從LCD屏幕中看到密碼。 9。可以使用Master Mechnical鍵進行保險嗎?⚠ 是,主鍵可用於所有安全型號,但在放置P.O時需要標記它。☍默認氣缸是單獨的。⚖
10。你能做什麼顏色?❌ 可以製作你想要的顏色,但是要使不同的顏色更加顏色可以更多,並且可以更長的時間。️ 11。可以在牆上固定安全嗎?(;一_一)
是的,你可以,所有的保險都☍了牆壁製作孔和螺釘。 12。是您的安全防火保險嗎? 否,安全專為酒店客房使用而設計,酒店保險不需要防火。防火保險通常用於銀行或其他具有較全性需求的地方。
13。你有房間卡的保險嗎?️ 現在沒有。這不是的困難產品,可以製作它。但問題是,現在,越來越多的酒店使用房卡操作保險 Packaging & ☍⏰ Packaging Details️
hotel room furniture – card locks ,safe box ,minibar fridge ,switch(ღ˘⌣˘ღ) 1 pc per car .️ L485*D425*H240mm(´・Ω・)っ由
☝ Goodbuyhk〽 : ♀
hotel room furniture – card locks ,safe box ,minibar fridge ,switch°Д° hotel room furniture⚕
1. hotel room furniture CONSTRUCTION☍ -5mm cold-rolled steel door -Two 3/4 inch (19mm)Diameter steel locking Bolts
-Scratch-Resistant Powder coat Finish(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ 2. FEATURES:hotel room furniture️ 1.Enhanced LED display
2.Auual Operating signals☘ 3.Openning:Two sets of password operation digit gu password/6-digital master password/ 6.CEU password ( optional) and override key✏ 4.Event audit trail(Optional)(ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
5.Easy Access Battery Jumper Box.(☞゚∀゚)☞ 6.Secure Pedal Mounting 7.Mechanical Fail–safe override key(• Ε •)
8.Tamper-proof installation Hardware⚖ 9.Inner carpet◀ 10.Spring loaded door
11.Fixing holes at bottom and back with screws. 12.Auto secure mode ( 3 times wrong without input of code gets froze for 15mins) (˘▾˘ ) Spec for safes
Model⛹ Dimension✊ Door Thickness
Body Thickness⭕ Weight Capacity‼
H x W x D mm⛹ ME -2031◉_◉ 200*310*200⛩
5mm2 mm✋ 8kg
16L┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻ ME -2040┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ) 200*400*300️
5 mm (˘▾˘ ) 2mm❎ 11.5kg⃣
21L⚫ ME -2043 200*430*370
-Scratch-Resistant Powder coat Finish(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ 2. FEATURES:hotel room furniture️ 1.Enhanced LED display
2.Auual Operating signals☘ 3.Openning:Two sets of password operation digit gu password/6-digital master password/ 6.CEU password ( optional) and override key✏ 4.Event audit trail(Optional)(ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
5.Easy Access Battery Jumper Box.(☞゚∀゚)☞ 6.Secure Pedal Mounting 7.Mechanical Fail–safe override key(• Ε •)
8.Tamper-proof installation Hardware⚖ 9.Inner carpet◀ 10.Spring loaded door
11.Fixing holes at bottom and back with screws. 12.Auto secure mode ( 3 times wrong without input of code gets froze for 15mins) (˘▾˘ ) Spec for safes
Model⛹ Dimension✊ Door Thickness
Body Thickness⭕ Weight Capacity‼
H x W x D mm⛹ ME -2031◉_◉ 200*310*200⛩
5mm2 mm✋ 8kg
16L┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻ ME -2040┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ) 200*400*300️
5 mm (˘▾˘ ) 2mm❎ 11.5kg⃣
21L⚫ ME -2043 200*430*370
5 mm 2mm☯ 14kg️
22L️ ME -2535️ 250*350*250️
5 mm 2mm️ 11kg̿'̿'̵͇̿̿З=( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)=Ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿
22L❕ ME -2240☜(˚▽˚)☞ 220*400*340️
5mm⚫ 2mm 13kg⏩
22L Solid Steel structure, double bolts locking. Code hiding function (LED display model)️
Code combination: from 1 to 10 Numbers.️ Thin film touch but key pad & LED display.♪ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ Motorized opening and locking
Rust-proof surface with quality powder coating finished, various color available️ Hold 15 Min in case of 3 time wrong try. Instruction printed on the panel̿ ̿ ̿'̿'̵͇̿̿З=(•_•)=Ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿'̿ ̿
Override Emergency ter code equipped. ME with TM card (I but) override emergency master key models available.️ I But emergency master key makes a more convenient hotel room management. (˘▾˘ )
hotel room furniture – card locks ,safe box ,minibar fridge ,switch♠ 3. OTHERS:hotel room furniture️ -Warranty: 2 years️
-Batteries:4 AA⌨ -Low Battery Warnning☜(⌒▽⌒)☞ -Batterries Included3
4. Size for optional hotel room furniture️ H x W x D mm♀ MB -2031(っ˘ڡ˘Σ)
22L️ ME -2535️ 250*350*250️
5 mm 2mm️ 11kg̿'̿'̵͇̿̿З=( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)=Ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿
22L❕ ME -2240☜(˚▽˚)☞ 220*400*340️
5mm⚫ 2mm 13kg⏩
22L Solid Steel structure, double bolts locking. Code hiding function (LED display model)️
Code combination: from 1 to 10 Numbers.️ Thin film touch but key pad & LED display.♪ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ Motorized opening and locking
Rust-proof surface with quality powder coating finished, various color available️ Hold 15 Min in case of 3 time wrong try. Instruction printed on the panel̿ ̿ ̿'̿'̵͇̿̿З=(•_•)=Ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿'̿ ̿
Override Emergency ter code equipped. ME with TM card (I but) override emergency master key models available.️ I But emergency master key makes a more convenient hotel room management. (˘▾˘ )
hotel room furniture – card locks ,safe box ,minibar fridge ,switch♠ 3. OTHERS:hotel room furniture️ -Warranty: 2 years️
-Batteries:4 AA⌨ -Low Battery Warnning☜(⌒▽⌒)☞ -Batterries Included3
4. Size for optional hotel room furniture️ H x W x D mm♀ MB -2031(っ˘ڡ˘Σ)
200*310*200✈ 5mm2⛑ mm▪
8kg 16L❣ MB -2040
200*400*300 5 mm(>人<) 2mm❤ 11.5kg☂ 21L️ MB -2043
8kg 16L❣ MB -2040
200*400*300 5 mm(>人<) 2mm❤ 11.5kg☂ 21L️ MB -2043
200*430*370(ᵔᴥᵔ) 5 mm➕ 2mm✒
14kg 22L(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ MB -2535
14kg 22L(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ MB -2535
250*350*250♀ 5 mm 2mm♀
11kg☝ 22Lಠ_ಥ MB -2240
220*400*340️ 5mm⛹ 2mm^̮^
11kg☝ 22Lಠ_ಥ MB -2240
220*400*340️ 5mm⛹ 2mm^̮^
13kg☝ 22L⏯ MB 2043 Series
hotel room furniture – card locks ,safe box ,minibar fridge ,switch♋ Solid Steel structure, double bolts locking. Code hiding function (LED display model)✋
Code combination:from 1 to 10 Numbers.¯(°_O)/¯ Audit Trailling 120 Records➕ Motorized opening and locking
hotel room furniture – card locks ,safe box ,minibar fridge ,switch♋ Solid Steel structure, double bolts locking. Code hiding function (LED display model)✋
Code combination:from 1 to 10 Numbers.¯(°_O)/¯ Audit Trailling 120 Records➕ Motorized opening and locking
Rust-proof surface with quality powder coating finished, various color available Hold 15 Min in case of 3 time wrong try. Instruction printed on the panel⚾
Override Emergency ter code equipped.✌ Emergency opening override.⛓ Exterior power supply.
Override Emergency ter code equipped.✌ Emergency opening override.⛓ Exterior power supply.
Direct connect with safe without software.️ I But emergency master key makes a more convenient hotel room management.️ hotel room furniture hotel room furniture⚕
RFQ for safes️ 1. What is the material do you use for you safes☍️ We use steel for the safe.✉
2. Can you safe contain laptop☍⛹ All our safes models have flexible size. Starnd size are all laptop size.⏳ 3. Whether charger can be isntalled inside☍️
RFQ for safes️ 1. What is the material do you use for you safes☍️ We use steel for the safe.✉
2. Can you safe contain laptop☍⛹ All our safes models have flexible size. Starnd size are all laptop size.⏳ 3. Whether charger can be isntalled inside☍️
Some of the safe models have electronic outlet inside. It is installed on the inner door of the safe.️ 4. How many battery do you use for safe☍ᕦ(Ò_Óˇ)ᕤ 4 AA alkaline battery☑
5. If the battery expires, how can I open the safe☍⏯ If the battery expires, we can still use external battery box or mechnical key to open the safe. All our sfae models have the two devices.⃣ 6. If gu checks out with safe door closed, how can I open the safe☍⏱
5. If the battery expires, how can I open the safe☍⏯ If the battery expires, we can still use external battery box or mechnical key to open the safe. All our sfae models have the two devices.⃣ 6. If gu checks out with safe door closed, how can I open the safe☍⏱
Our safes either have management password or have the hand hold unit depending on different models. The safe can be openned by either of the above way.⚖ 7. Can I change the gu password and master password☍ Yes, both management code and gu code can be changed.⛹
8. Can I hide the passward when I operate the safe☍⛔ Yes, you can press two buts on the safe to hide the password so that noboday can see the password from the LCD screen when you open the safe. 9. Can we use master mechnical key for safes☍️
Yes, master key is available for all safe models, but need to mark it when you place the P.O. as the default cylinder is individual one. 10. What color can you make☍༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ We can make any color you want, but to make a different color the cost can be more and the dleivery time can be longer.⌐╦╦═─
Yes, master key is available for all safe models, but need to mark it when you place the P.O. as the default cylinder is individual one. 10. What color can you make☍༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ We can make any color you want, but to make a different color the cost can be more and the dleivery time can be longer.⌐╦╦═─
11. Can we fix the safe on the wall☍️ Yes, you can, all the safes prepared wall mouting hole and screws.⛱ 12. Is your safe fireproof safe☍️
No, the safe is designed for hotel room use only, hotel safe is not necessary to be fireproof. Fireproof safe is usually used for bank or other places with higher demand of security.️ 13. Do you have safes operated with room card☍ Not at the moment. It is not a difficult product for us, we can make it. But the problem is that, nowa, more and more hotels gave up using room card operated safes because it has big security problem. Once a gu loses his room card, he may lose everything in the safe, so it is more secure to use password safes.️
No, the safe is designed for hotel room use only, hotel safe is not necessary to be fireproof. Fireproof safe is usually used for bank or other places with higher demand of security.️ 13. Do you have safes operated with room card☍ Not at the moment. It is not a difficult product for us, we can make it. But the problem is that, nowa, more and more hotels gave up using room card operated safes because it has big security problem. Once a gu loses his room card, he may lose everything in the safe, so it is more secure to use password safes.️
14. What is the door thickness and wall thickness of your safe☍ರ_ರ Door thickness 2mm, wall thickness 5mm.༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ 15. Comparing other suppliers, what is the advantage of your safe☍⛑
We have been in this industry for many years. Locks are much more difficult products than safes. Our safe electronics are more reliable than most of other Chinese manufacturers and safe material is steel not Iron. Europeans safe brands have nice quality, but most of them are produced in Goodbuyhk. We are one of the most imant 人性化設計 user-friendly design suppliers for some famous EU brand.⏯ 16. Which is the b model you recommend☍ The b sell is our safe model 2045MB. It is also the model we 人性化設計 user-friendly design for EU brands.️
5. Different size for optional:
5. Different size for optional:
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ 產品資訊️ 特定用途:Hotel Brovers Set(づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
一般使用:商用家具┬┴┬┴┤(・_├┬┴┬┴ 類型:Hotel FurnitureⓂ Mail ↕️:Y
應用:客廳,臥室,酒店,villia 設計風格:現代⤵ Material
外觀:現代 金屬類型:不銹鋼️ Goodbuyhk,Goodbuyhk♌
品牌名稱:奧布塔️ 型號:ob-2043MB 顏色:黑色,白色,灰色⚕
電池:4AA┬┴┬┴┤(・_├┬┴┬┴ 開放方法:3種方式⭕
一般使用:商用家具┬┴┬┴┤(・_├┬┴┬┴ 類型:Hotel FurnitureⓂ Mail ↕️:Y
應用:客廳,臥室,酒店,villia 設計風格:現代⤵ Material
外觀:現代 金屬類型:不銹鋼️ Goodbuyhk,Goodbuyhk♌
品牌名稱:奧布塔️ 型號:ob-2043MB 顏色:黑色,白色,灰色⚕
電池:4AA┬┴┬┴┤(・_├┬┴┬┴ 開放方法:3種方式⭕
尺寸:200 * 430 * 370 代碼隱藏功能:是⤴ 人性化設計 user-friendly design標識打印:可用⛹
緊急開放覆蓋鍵:是☸ 保修:2年️
緊急開放覆蓋鍵:是☸ 保修:2年️