2018 I3 I5 I7 ♈ 18.5“21.5”23.6“27”Mini PC便攜式Win10一體化 2018 I3 I5 I7 ♈ 18.5″ 21.5″ 23.6″ 27″ Mini Pc ♈ Portable Win10 All In One
HKD2,333 HKD2,103 加入購物車 Add to cart
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2018 I3 I5 I7 ♈ 18.5“21.5”23.6“27”Mini PC便攜式Win10一體化 2018 I3 I5 I7 ♈ 18.5″ 21.5″ 23.6″ 27″ Mini Pc ♈ Portable Win10 All In One


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⚕ 和香港️ 牛仔☮️❔
2642I3 I5 I7 人性化設計 user-friendly design 18.5“2☮️
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〜集成卡〜顯示類型:〜LCD〜寬屏:〜是〜光學驅動類型:〜DVD-ROM〜處理器主頻率:〜3.4GHz〜品牌名稱:〜人性化設計 user-friendly design〜型號:〜FNLP2105〜〜Goodbuyhk,Goodbuyhk〜產品名稱:〜一體化PC〜CPU:
〜四核i3 i5 i7〜顏色:〜銀〜操作系統:〜贏7 /贏8/10Linux〜關鍵詞:〜一體化計算機〜WiFi:〜117011b / g / n〜保修:〜1年〜圖形卡:〜支持1080p〜分辨率:〜2523* 1080〜特點:〜無風扇+鋁合金金屬
案例〜〜〜/一切〜 Product info Memory Capacity:≥ 4GB
Products Status:Stock Type:ALL-IN-ONE Screen Size:22″
Processor Brand:Intel Hard Drive Capacity:1TB Graphics Card Type:Integrated Card
Display Type:LCD Widescreen:YES Optical Drive Type:DVD-ROM
Processor Main Frequency:3.4Ghz Brand Name:人性化設計 user-friendly design Model Number:FNLP2105
GoodbuyhkGoodbuyhk, Goodbuyhk Product Name:All-in-one PC CPU:Quad Core I3 I5 I7
Color:Silver Operating System:Win 7/Win 8/18Linux Keywords:All-in-one Computer
WIFI:117011b/g/n Warranty:1 Year Graphics Card:Sup 1080P
Resolution:1920*1080 Feature:Fanless+Aluminum Alloy Metal Case Computer all in one

額外資訊 Additional information

重量 Weight 3 kg
尺寸 Dimensions 3 × 3 × 3 cm