長壽命0DB無聲酒店客房玻璃門氨氨含量迷你吧 Long Life 0db Silent Hotel Room Glass Door Ammonia Absorption Mini Bar
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長壽命0DB無聲酒店客房玻璃門氨氨含量迷你吧 Long Life 0db Silent Hotel Room Glass Door Ammonia Absorption Mini Bar


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7 細節ლ,ᔑ•ﺪ͟͠•ᔐ.ლ 。所有氨迷你吧通過質量測試。‍
☊ :每月30,000輛/每月。⛪
加載英尺/ 40英尺/ 40H
‍ 產品資訊㊙ Goodbuyhk,Goodbuyhk️
品牌名稱:ashibetter‍ defrost類型:自動除霜♊ 尺寸(l x w x h(英寸):17.13“x17.91”x21.46“‍

POWER(W):60‍ 電壓(V):220ಥ_ಥ 條:新⏹
售後服務提供服務:免費備‍ 保修:1年,1年️ 型:CAMPACT⏹
材質:塑料⛽ 特點:吸收♟ 安裝:便攜式✍
EMF,Saso,LFGB,UR,GS(´・Ω・)っ由 冰容量:35升♀ 在酒店,汽車,車庫,商業,家用️

電源:電動,電力┬┴┬┴┤ ͜ʖ ͡°) ├┬┴┬┴ 項目名稱:迷你吧氨‍ 型號:AWT-38☯
貨架:塑料/玻璃️ 門:玻璃門
/泡沫門༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ 功耗:0.9kW / 24H⛈
噪音:100%零噪聲‍ 溫度範圍:0-8℃(32-46℃)‍ 顏色:黑色/白色(可選)⛲
️ ♀ ☬迷你酒吧氨⚠
⛱ Product info‍ GoodbuyhkGoodbuyhk, Goodbuyhk‍
Brand Name:AshiBetter‍ Defrost Type:Auto-Defrost‍ Dimensions (L x W x H (Inches):17.13″x17.91″x21.46″⏲
Power (W):60‍ Voltage (V):220♈ Condition:New⬇
After-sales Service Provided:Free spare parts️ Warranty:1 Year, 1 yearᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ Type:Compact️
Material:plastic️ Feature:Absorption♥ Installation:ABLE‍
Certification:EMC, CB, ce, ETL, RoHS, Emf, SASO, LFGB, UR, GS¯_(ツ)_/¯ Fridge Capacity:35 Litre(;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) Application:Hotel, Car, Garage, Commercial, Householdರ_ರ
Power Source:Electric, Electricity️ Item name:Mini Bar Ammonia❕ Model:AWT-38✌
Shelves:Plasss⚓ Door:Glass dmed door‍ Power Consumption:0.9KW/24H️
Noise:100% Zero noise(>ლ) Temperature Range:0-8℃(32-46℉)⚾ Color:Blte(Optional)‍
☝ ㊙ 30000 s Mini Bar Ammonia‍

額外資訊 Additional information

尺寸 Dimensions 43 × 52.5 cm
狀態 Condition

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