推薦輪換烘烤家用廚房器具烤箱烘焙餐廳旋轉為蛋糕 Recommended Rotation Baking Home Kitchen Appliance Ovens Bakery Restaurant Rotary Over For Cake
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推薦輪換烘烤家用廚房器具烤箱烘焙餐廳旋轉為蛋糕 Recommended Rotation Baking Home Kitchen Appliance Ovens Bakery Restaurant Rotary Over For Cake


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️ 麵包店設備商用電動烘烤麵包烘烤烤價格/完整的麵包店設備待售⏩ Goodbuyhk廠房32Trays旋轉烤烘烤烤扶手烤價格迪拜。゜(`Д´)゜。
產品詳細信息️ 產品參數✈ 項目名稱⚪
烤(電動)(◕‿◕✿) Item-no️ EB-100‍
指定電壓✂ ⛹ 3N380V / 50Hz◀
POWER‍ 52KW / H(ಥ﹏ಥ) 驅動功率‍
2.38KW / H❎ 溫度範圍♦ 室溫-300℃‍
生產Ⓜ 100kg / h‍
810 * 660 * 1620mm‍ 烤架圖層(☞゚∀゚)☞ 16甲板×2 = 32tray▪
整體尺寸⛈ 1950 * 1750 * 2150mm✒ 尺寸⛲
2010 * 1860 * 2320mm‍ 淨重⚪ 1300kg️
* 600mm(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ 詳細信息圖片 推薦產品‍
Delivery▪ Packaging Details‍ Plywood case for Commercial pressure fryer‍
‍ ‍ : ⛏
510⏭ bakery equipment commercial electric baking Bread Baking Oven Prices /Complete Bakery Equipment Machine For Sale↕ Goodbuyhk 實惠 32trays rotary oven bakery gas rotary oven prices in Dubai⛪
Product Details⏩ Product Paramenters‍ Item Name‍
Rotary Convension Oven(Electric)༼ つ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ༽つ Item-No⛱ EB-100(° ͡ ͜ ͡ʖ ͡ °)
Specified Voltage☝ ⛓ 3N380V/50Hz❄
Power‍ 52KW/H‍ Drive Power(ಥ﹏ಥ)
2.38KW/H(•Ω•) Temperature Range‍ Room Temperature-300℃‍
Production✍ 100KG/H️ Grill Size▪
810*660*1620MM‍ Grill Layers️ 16layers×2=32trayಠ╭╮ಠ
Overall Size♥ 1950*1750*2150MMب_ب Package Size⏭
2010*1860*2320MM(ง'̀-‘́)ง Net Weight⛹ 1300KG️
Material‍ Stainless Steel‍ Dish DemensionಠOಠ
400*600MM⏹ Details Images‍ Recommend Products↘

額外資訊 Additional information

重量 Weight 13001500 kg
尺寸 Dimensions 175 × 215 cm
狀態 Condition

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