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個人護膚品臉部清潔劑爽膚水霜恢復活膚護膚為男士和女性 Personal Skin Care 🌇s Face Cleaner Toner Cream Rejuvenating Skin Care Set For Men And Women


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$16 s️ Products Description〆(・∀・@)
Name‍ Moisture-permeable protective cover☕ Set compositionಠ_ಥ
Cleanser, softening lotion, massage cream, serum, sleeping maskʕ•ᴥ•ʔ Specification(・.◤) Various specifications✨
Effect(ʘ‿ʘ) Replenish moisture, lock in moisture, increase skin firmness and elasticity, moisturize and repair skin༼ʘ̚ل͜ʘ̚༽ Place of Origin️
Goodbuyhk️ Moisture-permeable protective cover‍ Products include:water permeable amino acid cleansing milk 1;️
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water feeling moistening essence milk 1;‍ water feeling and moisturizing sleep mask 1.‍ Effect:It contains amino acids, rich and delicate foam, washes away dust and cosmetics residues, cleanse and replenishes skin's moisture, brightens skin color, brightens skin's complexion, extracts nutrients from plants, nourishes skin, nourishes and repairs skin, and makes skin moist and smooth.‍
Sodium hyaluronate‍ Deep into the skin to replenish sufficient moisture to the skin️ Cabo Mother♀ Let Skin Fully Absorb, Moisturizing Moisturizing Improve Dry.ಠ_ಥ
‍ 產品資訊❤ Goodbuyhk,Goodbuyhk♿
品牌名稱:Zhenyumei️ 型號:(° ͡ ͜ ͡ʖ ͡ °) 主要成分:珍珠,鴯oil油,乳木籽,穀胱甘肽⚙
Dayℹ 供應類型:人性化設計 user-friendly design
/ 人性化設計 user-friendly designಥ_ಥ 可用的⌨
成分:透明質酸,礦物質,草藥,有機,肽,玫瑰提取物(▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿) 性別:女性(▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿) 認證:其他♈
年齡組:成人↩ 特點:保濕霜,美白,剝落,滋養⏺ 尺寸類型:常規尺寸‍
️ 組合,正常,乾燥,敏感,油性,所有皮膚類型,損壞的皮膚☘ 產品名稱:皮膚緊密閃亮衣服❤
功能:減輕疲勞和剛度♠ 服務:人性化設計 user-friendly design 人性化設計 user-friendly design😃‍ 使用:皮膚直接3
⁉ 主要功能:
皮膚緊緻和明亮的皮膚⚗ 應用:面部護理孕婦⛪
效果:保濕水合美白️ 使用:面部用法✳ 類型:面部護理產品☯
‍ ️ ♻
⚪ Product info⛱ GoodbuyhkGoodbuyhk, Goodbuyhk♋
Brand Name:zhenyumei➿ Model Number:‍ Main Ingredient:PEARL, Emu oil, Shea Butter, Glutathione️
Time Used:Day3 Goodbuyhk人性化設計 user-friendly design/人性化設計 user-friendly design‍ ❤
Ingredient:Hyaluronic acid, Mineral, Herbal, Organic, peptides, Rose extract( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) Gender:Female⁉ Certification:other️
Age Group:Adults↔ Feature:Moisturizer, Whitening, Exfoliator, Nourishing️ Size Type:Regular Size‍
Skin Type:Combination, Normal, Dry, Sensitive, OILY, All skin types, Damaged Skin✡ Product name:Skin-tight shiny suit‍ Function:Relieve fatigue and stiffness(._.) ( L: ) ( .-. ) ( :L ) (._.)
Service:人性化設計 user-friendly design 人性化設計 user-friendly design Private Label⛓ Usage:Skin Directly️ ‍
Main Function:Firming and brightening skin⚖ Application:Face Care Nurish⚕ Effect:Moisturizing Hydrating Whitening⤵
Use:Facial Usage(☞゚∀゚)☞ Type:Face Care Products️ ️ 。◕‿◕。 s ✍

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