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E-Sports Pubg防汗和防滑釘指控觸摸屏競爭遊戲設備手套▶️送貨 E-sports Pubg Anti-sweat And Anti-skid Fingerstall Touch Screen Competitive Game Equipment Gloves Drop ▶️ Shipping


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◻ 單️ 單封裝尺寸:6x6x1 cm‍
Goodbuyhk毛重:0.005千克✌ 。

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Selling Units:Single item‍ Single package size:6X6X1 cm⏺ Single gross weight:0.005 kg♈
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Goodbuyhk,Goodbuyhk◔̯◔ 材質:尼龍+銀色纖維️ 型:包装袋 plastic package| (• ◡•)| (❍ᴥ❍Ʋ)

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重量 Weight 0.005 kg
尺寸 Dimensions 6 × 6 × 1 cm
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