替換超細纖維拖把頭配合平面噴霧拖把可清洗家用清潔工具房屋地板拖把扣墊 Replacement Microfiber Mop Head Fit Flat Spray Mops Washable Household Cleaning Tool House Floor Dust Mop Refill Pad
特價 Sale!

替換超細纖維拖把頭配合平面噴霧拖把可清洗家用清潔工具房屋地板拖把扣墊 Replacement Microfiber Mop Head Fit Flat Spray Mops Washable Household Cleaning Tool House Floor Dust Mop Refill Pad


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♻ 單ಠ╭╮ಠ ♛尺寸:30x12x1 cm▪
Goodbuyhk毛重:0.040 kg‍ 。

規格️ 特點:*易於清洗或清潔髒污,更耐用。⛵ *高品質的材料,適合您的房子和家。✈
e_*在昂貴的一次性拖把頭上不再浪費錢。(´・Ω・)っ由 *材料:超細纖維➖
*尺寸:33x12mm⚡ :3 x Microfiber拖把墊(僅墊)(僅墊)( / / / / )‍ 產品 Packaging & ♛☼.☼
♛♛⚕ Single package size:30X12X1 cmⓂ Single gross weight:0.040 kg☄
: ️ 10(ʘ‿ʘ) Specification⃣
Features:* Easy to wash or clean the dirty, more durable.ლ(´ڡ`ლ) * High quality material, good for your house and home.⛹ * Removable microfiber mop head is washable and reusable.✋
* No more wasting money on expensive disposable mop heads.️ * Material: microfiber⏹ * Size: 33x12mm‍ package Included:3 x Microfiber Mop Pad(Only Pad)(////)️ Product


額外資訊 Additional information

重量 Weight 2 kg
尺寸 Dimensions 30 × 12 × 1 cm
狀態 Condition

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