智能指紋鎖生物識別鎖無鑰匙電子門鎖鋅合金掛鎖室內家庭公寓辦公室 Smart Fingerprint Lock Biometric Lock Keyless Electronic Door Locks Zinc Alloy Padlock For Indoor Home Apartment Office
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智能指紋鎖生物識別鎖無鑰匙電子門鎖鋅合金掛鎖室內家庭公寓辦公室 Smart Fingerprint Lock Biometric Lock Keyless Electronic Door Locks Zinc Alloy Padlock For Indoor Home Apartment Office


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◻ 單➿ ♪尺寸:15x10x5 cm⏬
Goodbuyhk毛重:0.980千克️ 。71015進行‍
特點:超級指紋識別技術:隨著簡單而時尚的外觀,這種指紋鎖非常適合所有房屋裝飾風格。️ ♪ 3.Wide應用:可調節的Deadbolt尺寸為60mm / 2.36英寸至70mm / 2.76英寸(約),是適用於厚度為35-55mm的門。‍
規格:電源:4電池尺寸7⚰ 指紋存儲容量:20(組)⭕ 掃描<0.5(s)‍ 成功解鎖驗證:綠燈⚡ 解鎖驗證失敗:紅燈⚙ 鎖定:解鎖後5秒⛈ 清單:1 x指紋門鎖全帶螺釘♂ 1 x用戶手冊 Packaging & ♪‍ ♪♪[̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]
Single package size:15X10X5 cm Single gross weight:0.980 kg( ˘▾˘) : 1516 ✡
71015(ʘ‿ʘ) Features:1.Advanced Fingerprint Identification Technology: With the simple and stylish appearance, this fingerprint lock is perfect for all house decor styles.♥‿♥ 2.Double Modes for Security: The smart lock features the user-friendly design. Locking mode and the channel mode help you switch modes flexibly according to your needs, and protects your privacy.⚛
3.Wide Application: The adjustable deadbolt has a size between 60mm/2.36in to 70mm/2.76in(about), and it is suitable for doors with a thickness of 35-55mm.^̮^ Specifications:Power supply: 4 batteries of size 7️ Fingerprint storage capacity: 20 (group)♦
Scanning <0.5 (s)️ Successful unlock verification: green light️ Unlock verification failed: red light is on⏸ Lockout: 5 seconds after unlocking✊ ♪ List:1 x Fingerprint Door Lock Full Set with Screws(° ͡ ͜ ͡ʖ ͡ °) 1 x User Manual

⚗ 產品資訊̿'̿'̵͇̿̿З=( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)=Ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ Goodbuyhk⚕
品牌名稱:無☮ 型號:OB00190(͡ ͡° ͜ つ ͡͡°) 認證:CE️
特殊功能:其他♀ 數據存儲選項:其他✈ ‍
Product info️ GoodbuyhkGoodbuyhk️ Brand Name:none⚕
Model Number:OB00190‼ Certification:ce⬛ Special Features:Other⚜ Data Storage Options:Other️


額外資訊 Additional information

重量 Weight 0.980 kg
尺寸 Dimensions 15 × 10 × 5 cm
狀態 Condition

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