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️ 單‍ 🔣尺寸:38x38x38厘米⛹
Goodbuyhk毛重:0.262 kg⛲ 類型:每個pc用彩盒,每包⚽ 9碼: 100101 – ‍

‍ ‍ Goodbuyhk⛳
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查看全部產品⛅ $8⛰ $11‍
✊ 30%off♥‿♥ $15‍
$18️ ⚕ 16折⛳
Packaging & 🔣️ 🔣🔣⬆ Single package size:38X38X38 cm️
Single gross weight:0.262 kg༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
✡ 產品資訊(╯°□°)╯︵( .O.) 😃,Goodbuyhk️
品牌名稱:GALECON‍ 型號:GA009‍ 產品名稱:智能加權呼啦圈與成人球球‍
智能呼啦圈‍ 尺寸:38 *
38 * 38cm️ 重量:810g️
(Ó Ì_Í)=ÓÒ=(Ì_Í Ò) 材質:abs️ 人性化設計 user-friendly design:顏色:作為圖片‍
pack:每個帶彩盒的每個pc,每個外部紙‍ ️ Product info‍
GoodbuyhkZhejiang, Goodbuyhk‍ Brand Name:GALECON‍ Model Number:GA009‍
Product name:Smart Weighted Hula Hoops With Ball For Adults✋ Keywords:smart hula hoops® Size:38*38*38cm️
Weight:810g(•Ω•) ‍ Material:ABS☺
人性化設計 user-friendly design:Acceptable⚕ Color:As picture️ 😃:Each pc with a Color box, outer car(。◕‿‿◕。)

額外資訊 Additional information

重量 Weight 0.81 kg
尺寸 Dimensions 38 × 38 × 38 cm
狀態 Condition

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