2021新型▶️水下相機🔎8G SD卡經濟實惠幸運間諜 2021 New ▶️ Underwater Camera With 8g Sd Card Affordable Price Lucky Spy
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2021新型▶️水下相機🔎8G SD卡經濟實惠幸運間諜 2021 New ▶️ Underwater Camera With 8g Sd Card Affordable Price Lucky Spy


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‍ 產品資訊‍ ,Goodbuyhk️
品牌名稱:算法‍ 型號:FL180PR┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ) 保修:1年‍
認證:CE,FCC,RoHS‍ 特殊功能:幸運水下攝像機✋ 傳感器:
電纜傳感器ಥ_ಥ 網絡:藍牙,WiFi✝ 功能:防水/防風雨✏
視頻壓縮格式:H.265️ 數據存儲選項:存儲卡⛅ 應用:戶外☸
自選支持:自選多種款色‍ 可見角度:120度‍ 功率:3.7V
操作溫度:-14°至122‰(50℃)️ 通道:4‍ ⚒
ಥ_ಥ ⚕
️ 孔⬆ Goodbuyhk/⛺

☠ ‍
Goodbuyhk️ ლ(´ڡ`ლ) ️
Product info️ GoodbuyhkZhejiang, Goodbuyhk✖ Brand Name:Lucky❓
Model Number:FL180PR⬛ Warranty:1 Year°Д° Certification:ce, FCC, RoHS‍
Special Features:Lucky Underwater Camera☦ Sensor:Cable transducer‼ Network:bluetooth, wifi✴
Function:Waterproof / Weatherproof‍ Video Compression Format:H.265‍ Data Storage Options:Memory Card‍
Application:Outdoor✖ Customized sup:Customized 人性化設計 user-friendly design☮ Visible Angle:120 degrees(;一_一)
Power:3.7V rechargeable lithium battery♋ Operational Temperature:-14℉ to 122℉(50℃)⚖ Channels:4❕
‍ ♠ s ⛹
Delivery‍ ⬛ Goodbunghai⃣
: ‍ 7(͡ ͡° ͜ つ ͡͡°) ️ ️ ️

產品描述✳ Goodbuyhk專業魚類搜索器製造宗旨自2003年✋ 1,像素:30W️
2,電纜長度:20m⛔ 3,相機繫繩:120°♎ 4,牽引:15kg‍
5,屏幕尺寸:4.3英寸‍ 6,
鏡頭用法:水平和垂直▪ 7,功能:錄製Vedioes /拍照/文查看️
SD卡‍ Multilanguage:英語,德語,法語,意大利語,西班牙語,俄語,中文,韓語,日語⏹ Product Description⬇
Professional Fish Finder Manufacturing Pionner in Goodbuyhk Since 2003¬_¬ 1,Pixel:30W♠ 2,Cable Length:20M‍
3,Camera Tether:120°‍ 4,Traction:15kg⏮ 5,Screen size:4.3 inch┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻
6,Lens usage:horizontal and vertical(>ლ) 7,Function:record vedie photoes/ file-viewing️ SD Card✊ Multilanguage:English,German,French,Italian,Spanish,Russian,Chinese,Korean, Japanese✈

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