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圖示例:。71020要⚓ ️
Goodbuyhk☑ ➡ Goodbuyhk頂級賣家產品⛲
暢銷️ 抗焦慮舒適舒適的寵物床豪華舒適的大蓬鬆狗床可清洗自選圓形貓♂ 美國$190 /
1.^̮^ 寵物廠原裝蓬鬆毛皮粗毛舒適舒適的甜椒床↖ $101 / PIENT
️ 優質人性化設計 user-friendly design可用狗床貓溫暖毛絨豪華寵物狗床 $281 /
50.(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ 自選可清洗豪華時尚宏觀蓬鬆沙發貓床⛔ $100 /
定製印花ECO友好便宜的便攜式豪華舒適蓬鬆寵物狗床☝ 美國 – 美國$( ˘▾˘)
1.♉ 新款超級軟織物可拆卸墊狗床墊大碼沙發寵物床️ $️
⚕ 人性化設計 user-friendly design優質自選小狗設計床上用品可清洗豪華寵物狗床ಠ╭╮ಠ 美國 $93 / PIENT☕
^̮^ 圓形狗沙發床豪華設計師可折疊貓狗(─‿‿─) $68 ⏩ 產品說明[̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°̲̅)̲̅$̲̅] Item /型號No.️
D-001[̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅] 產品名稱️ PET床
D-001[̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅] 產品名稱️ PET床
蓋材料⏪ PV毛絨⛰ 內部材料️
PP纖維⏳ 顏色 粉紅色,紅色,黑色,bule,珍珠白色,自選️
尺寸 – xs^̮^ 直徑40cm,高20cm -pweight 330g;️ 尺寸❄
PP纖維⏳ 顏色 粉紅色,紅色,黑色,bule,珍珠白色,自選️
尺寸 – xs^̮^ 直徑40cm,高20cm -pweight 330g;️ 尺寸❄
直徑50cm,高26cm -pweight 570g; 尺寸-m♟ 直徑60cm,高26cm – 重量720克;
尺寸-1️ 直徑70cm,高26cm – 重量950克;⚕ xl
直徑80cm,高26cm-pweight 1200g;⚖ 尺寸 – xxl⤴ 直徑100cm,高26cm -weight 1800g;️
size-xxxl ️ 直徑110cm,高26cm -weight 2100g; 尺寸 – xxxxl⛽
直徑120cm,高26cm – 重量2400g;⏰ ️ 真空┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ)
使用 寵物睡眠⃣ 特色⚾
ECO友好,柔軟,透氣,機器可清洗⚕ 自選多種款色♒ 是的請求時間✖
♥ 運輸方式❤ 通過海運,通過EXPRESS(順豐速運 Sfexpress,FEDEX …)♥‿♥
詳細信息 發出詢問,會向您發送更多產品目錄,更優惠的價格! Delivery◼
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71020ლ,ᔑ•ﺪ͟͠•ᔐ.ლ ️ (─‿‿─)
️ Goodbuyhk Top Seller Products B Selling⛅
尺寸-1️ 直徑70cm,高26cm – 重量950克;⚕ xl
直徑80cm,高26cm-pweight 1200g;⚖ 尺寸 – xxl⤴ 直徑100cm,高26cm -weight 1800g;️
size-xxxl ️ 直徑110cm,高26cm -weight 2100g; 尺寸 – xxxxl⛽
直徑120cm,高26cm – 重量2400g;⏰ ️ 真空┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ)
使用 寵物睡眠⃣ 特色⚾
ECO友好,柔軟,透氣,機器可清洗⚕ 自選多種款色♒ 是的請求時間✖
♥ 運輸方式❤ 通過海運,通過EXPRESS(順豐速運 Sfexpress,FEDEX …)♥‿♥
詳細信息 發出詢問,會向您發送更多產品目錄,更優惠的價格! Delivery◼
⚕ Goodbuyhk Picture Example:: 200201
71020ლ,ᔑ•ﺪ͟͠•ᔐ.ლ ️ (─‿‿─)
️ Goodbuyhk Top Seller Products B Selling⛅
Anti Anxiety Comfy Calming Pet Bed Luxury Cozy Large Fluffy Dog Bed Washable Custom Round For Cats⤵ $190 s(っ˘ڡ˘Σ)
Pet 實惠 Original Fluffy Faux Fur Shag Round Cozy Calming Donut Pet Bed $101 s️
High Quality 人性化設計 user-friendly design Available Dog Bed Cat Warm Soft Plush Luxury Pet Dog Bed¯_(ツ)_/¯ $281 s⛹
Custom Washable Luxury Trendy Macrame Warm Fluffy Sofa Cat Bed $100 s⌚
Custom Printed Eco Friendly Cheap able Luxurious Cozy Fluffy Pet Cat Dog Beds¬_¬ $135 s️
New Super Soft Fabric Removable Cover Bolster Dog Bed Cushion Big Size Sofa Pet Bed️ $104 / (ʘᗩʘ') sᕦ(Ò_Óˇ)ᕤ
人性化設計 user-friendly design High Quality Custom Small Doggie Design Bedding Washable Luxury Pet Dog Bed⛲ $93 / ♪ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ sب_ب
Round Shape Dog Sofa Bed Luxury Designer Foldable Cat Dog Bed $68 s✊
Products Description♥ Item / Model NO. D-001⚕
Product Name️ Pet Bed◼ Cover Material(╯°□°)╯︵ ꞰOOQƎƆⱯɟ
PV Plush⚧ Inner Material✌ PP Fiber✈
Color♀ Pink, Red, Black, Bule, Pearl White, Customized Size- XS
Diameter 40cm, high 20cm -Weight 330g; Size- S^̮^ Diameter 50cm, high 26cm -Weight 570g;⛵
Round Shape Dog Sofa Bed Luxury Designer Foldable Cat Dog Bed $68 s✊
Products Description♥ Item / Model NO. D-001⚕
Product Name️ Pet Bed◼ Cover Material(╯°□°)╯︵ ꞰOOQƎƆⱯɟ
PV Plush⚧ Inner Material✌ PP Fiber✈
Color♀ Pink, Red, Black, Bule, Pearl White, Customized Size- XS
Diameter 40cm, high 20cm -Weight 330g; Size- S^̮^ Diameter 50cm, high 26cm -Weight 570g;⛵
Size- M❄ Diameter 60cm, high 26cm -Weight 720g;☪ Size- L☕
Diameter 70cm, high 26cm -Weight 950g;✊ Size- XL^̮^ Diameter 80cm, high 26cm -Weight 1200g;️
Size- XXL(─‿‿─) Diameter 100cm, high 26cm -Weight 1800g;⚱ Size- XXXL
Size- XXL(─‿‿─) Diameter 100cm, high 26cm -Weight 1800g;⚱ Size- XXXL
Diameter 110cm, high 26cm -Weight 2100g;️ Size- XXXXL️ Diameter 120cm, high 26cm -Weight 2400g;⛏
Package⏪ Vacuum Packing✌ Usage﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿ O'RLY
For Pets Sleepingლ(ಠ益ಠლ) Feature( ゚ヮ゚) Eco-Friendly, Soft, Breathable, Machine Washable┬┴┬┴┤ ͜ʖ ͡°) ├┬┴┬┴
Custom 人性化設計 user-friendly design⛹ Yes^̮^ Sample Requ Time⚖
️ Shipping Way̿ ̿ ̿'̿'̵͇̿̿З=(•_•)=Ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿'̿ ̿ Send by air, by sea, by express(順豐速運 Sfexpress, FEDEX…)️ Details Images⚖ Send me an inquiry, I will send you more product catalogs, and more preferential prices!⃣
產品資訊 類型:PET床和配| (• ◡•)| (❍ᴥ❍Ʋ)
項目類型:床和沙發 洗滌風格:手洗 材質:豪華,豪華
商業買家:特色商店,百貨商店,超級市場,便利店,便利店,電子商務店⛩ 偶然:商業禮品,露營,旅遊,退休♑ 假期:情人節,母親節,父親節,eid假期,農曆新年,慕尼黑啤酒節,聖誕節,新年,復活節,感恩節,萬聖節️
季節:全季 房間空間:檯面,廚房,庭院,壁櫥,浴室,臥室,餐廳,宿舍,室內和室外,兒童房,辦公室,走廊,戶外⚽ 室空間選擇:
支持 場合選擇:支持 假期選擇:支持( ゚ヮ゚)
模式:印花⛹ 床和配類型:床⌛ 應用:貓/狗〰
Goodbuyhk,Goodbuyhk️ 品牌名稱:人性化設計 user-friendly design / 人性化設計 user-friendly design
型號號碼:D-001 產品名稱:寵物床(╯°□°)╯︵ ꞰOOQƎƆⱯɟ 顏色:有許多顏色選擇⚡
➰ :壓縮和真空+袋 填充:PP棉
項目類型:床和沙發 洗滌風格:手洗 材質:豪華,豪華
商業買家:特色商店,百貨商店,超級市場,便利店,便利店,電子商務店⛩ 偶然:商業禮品,露營,旅遊,退休♑ 假期:情人節,母親節,父親節,eid假期,農曆新年,慕尼黑啤酒節,聖誕節,新年,復活節,感恩節,萬聖節️
季節:全季 房間空間:檯面,廚房,庭院,壁櫥,浴室,臥室,餐廳,宿舍,室內和室外,兒童房,辦公室,走廊,戶外⚽ 室空間選擇:
支持 場合選擇:支持 假期選擇:支持( ゚ヮ゚)
模式:印花⛹ 床和配類型:床⌛ 應用:貓/狗〰
Goodbuyhk,Goodbuyhk️ 品牌名稱:人性化設計 user-friendly design / 人性化設計 user-friendly design
型號號碼:D-001 產品名稱:寵物床(╯°□°)╯︵ ꞰOOQƎƆⱯɟ 顏色:有許多顏色選擇⚡
➰ :壓縮和真空+袋 填充:PP棉
️ 產品功能:舒適溫暖️ ‼
️ 產品功能:舒適溫暖️ ‼
10000▫ ⚰
Product info️ Type:Pet Beds & Accessories⚰ Item Type:Beds & Sofas❎
Product info️ Type:Pet Beds & Accessories⚰ Item Type:Beds & Sofas❎
Wash Style:Hand Wash️ Material:plush, plushლ(´ڡ`ლ) Commercial Buyer:Specialty Stores, Department Stores, Super Markets, Convenience Stores, E-commerce Stores♎
Occasion:Business Gifts, Camping, Travel, Retirement♈ Holiday:Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Eid holi, Chinese New Year, Oktoberf, Christmas, New Year's, Easter Day, Thanksgiving, Halloween Season:All-Season
Room Space:Countertop, Kitchen, Patio, Closet, Bathroom, Bedroom, Dining Room, Dorm Room, Indoor and Outdoor, Kids Room, Office, Hallway, Outdoor✊ Room Space Selection:Sup Occasion Selection:Sup✈
Holiday Selection:Sup⛵ Pattern:Print( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ) Bed & Accessory Type:BEDS⛑
Occasion:Business Gifts, Camping, Travel, Retirement♈ Holiday:Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Eid holi, Chinese New Year, Oktoberf, Christmas, New Year's, Easter Day, Thanksgiving, Halloween Season:All-Season
Room Space:Countertop, Kitchen, Patio, Closet, Bathroom, Bedroom, Dining Room, Dorm Room, Indoor and Outdoor, Kids Room, Office, Hallway, Outdoor✊ Room Space Selection:Sup Occasion Selection:Sup✈
Holiday Selection:Sup⛵ Pattern:Print( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ) Bed & Accessory Type:BEDS⛑
Application:Cs⚛ Feature:Travel, Breathable, Sustainable, Removable Cover, Stocked( ͡°╭͜ʖ╮͡° ) GoodbuyhkGoodbuyhk, Goodbuyhk️
Brand Name:人性化設計 user-friendly design/人性化設計 user-friendly design☑ Model Number:D-001️ Product name:pet bed
Colors:have many colors for selection✍ ⚔ Packing:compression and vacuum +/car packing⚛
Colors:have many colors for selection✍ ⚔ Packing:compression and vacuum +/car packing⚛
Filling:PP Cot⛩ Fabric:plush✈ Product Feature:Comfortable Warm✈
☂ s ✌
☂ s ✌