MINI PC Win10 Intel Core I7-8565U I5-8265U I3-8145U 2 * DDR4 64G M.2 NUC便攜式計算機PC系統單元INTE-C 4K 60Hz HD2.0 DP Mini Pc Win10 Intel Core I7-8565u I5-8265u I3-8145u 2*ddr4 64g M.2 Nuc Portable Computer Pc System Unit Type-c 4k 60hz Hd2.0 Dp
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MINI PC Win10 Intel Core I7-8565U I5-8265U I3-8145U 2 * DDR4 64G M.2 NUC便攜式計算機PC系統單元INTE-C 4K 60Hz HD2.0 DP Mini Pc Win10 Intel Core I7-8565u I5-8265u I3-8145u 2*ddr4 64g M.2 Nuc Portable Computer Pc System Unit Type-c 4k 60hz Hd2.0 Dp


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⏸ 單✊ ☓尺寸:12x12x4 cm✔
Goodbuyhk毛重:1.500 kg‍ 類型:紙☘
卡類型:〜集成卡〜寬屏:〜〜〜使用:〜Business〜關鍵字:〜一體化電腦〜尺寸:〜232* 232* 38mm〜保修:〜3年〜RAM:〜2 * DDR4〜WiFi:〜2 *
接口〜操作系統:〜Win8.1 / Win10,Linux〜HDD:〜SATA〜SSD:〜2.M〜CPU:〜Whiskey-U〜材質:〜鋁合金〜處理器主頻率:〜取決於CPU〜 Product info GoodbuyhkGoodbuyhk, Goodbuyhk
Brand Name:Top Model Number:MU01 Products Status:Stock
Type:Desktop Screen Size:No Monitor Processor Brand:Intel
Graphics Card Type:Integrated Card Widescreen:No Use:Business
Keywords:All-in-one Computer Size:128*128*38mm Warranty:3 Years
RAM:2*DDR4 WIFI:M.2 interface OS:Win8.1/Win10,Linux
HDD:SATA SSD:2.M CPU:Whiskey-U Material:Aluminum Alloy Processor Main Frequency:Depends on CPU

額外資訊 Additional information

重量 Weight 1.500 kg
尺寸 Dimensions 23.2 × 23.2 × 3.8 cm