便攜式家用廚房榨汁機浸泡手攪拌桿攪拌器 Portable Household Kitchen Juicer Immersion Hand Mixer Stick Blender
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便攜式家用廚房榨汁機浸泡手攪拌桿攪拌器 Portable Household Kitchen Juicer Immersion Hand Mixer Stick Blender


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(;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) 產品資訊✈ 提供售後服務:免費備✍
保修:1年(ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง 應用:家用‍ 電源:電動‍
型:手攪拌機️ 控制類型:按鈕♎ 容器材料:塑料

住房材質:塑料8 認證:CB,CE‍ 容量(L):600(´・Ω・`)
速度設置數:1‍ POWER(W):150㊙ 電壓(V):220。゜(`Д´)゜。
BAB801⛽ 品牌名稱:人性化設計 user-friendly design♀ ❣️,Goodbuyhk‍
功能:Goodbuyhk服務‍ 電池容量(MAH):0⬅ 名稱:浸❣️攪拌器⚾
旋轉速度:15000‍ 和‍ 單️
❣️尺寸:23x20x15 cm️ Goodbuyhk毛重:2.00 kg
ʘ‿ʘ – ‍

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$117 off‍ 訂單超過$7829♣ 05 / 07/2021, AM – 05/31/2021, PM❄
獲得優惠券️ ⌚ Product info‍
After-sales Service Provided:Free spare parts✏ Warranty:1 Year‍ Application:Household☃
Power Source:Electric(ღ˘⌣˘ღ) Type:Hand Blender⚖ Controls Type:Push But️
Container Material:plastic️ Housing Material:plastic️ Certification:CB, ce®
Capacity (l):600ಠ╭╮ಠ Number of Speed Settings:1️ Power (W):150‍
Voltage (V):220♨ Model Number:MZ-BAB801⛹ Brand Name:人性化設計 user-friendly design️
GoodbuyhkZhejiang, Goodbuyhk️ Function:Single Serve️ Battery Capacity(mAh):0♂
Name:Immersion hand blender‍ Rotating speed:15000‍ Packaging & ❣️༼ つ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ༽つ
❣️❣️‍ Single package size:23X20X15 cm‍ Single gross weight:2.000 kg♥‿♥
: ‍ 15️ Coupons❤
View all the coupons♦ $117 OFF⚖ Order more than $7829️ 05/07/2021, AM – 05/31/2021, PM♋ Get Coupon️

產品描述❤ 產品名稱✈ 浸♙攪拌機(☞゚∀゚)☞
型號⛑ MZ-BAB801‍ POWER( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))
1500W‍ ⏮ ⌚
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$️ 119
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額外資訊 Additional information

重量 Weight 2.00 kg
尺寸 Dimensions 23 × 20 × 15 cm
狀態 Condition

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