2021最佳銷售無線BT 5.0耳機ç£è€³æ©ŸiPhone Samsung Huawei Xiaomi 2021 Best Sale Wireless Bt 5.0 Headphones Magnetic Earbuds Earphone For Iphone Samsung Huawei Xiaomi
產å“æ述†產å“åç¨±ï¸ M1ï¸ _newline_芯片組⤠JL 6973D40 支æŒâ€ _newline_最新Qualcomm QCC3040 /觸摸按鈕⚖ 充電盒Battey Capacity†400mah†_newline_è€³å¡žé›»æ± å®¹é‡â€ 30mAh * 2ï¸ æšè²å™¨â© _newline_13mm♑ 充電界é¢(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ éµå…¥C端å£âš½ _newline_音樂æ’放時間✌ 45hæ’放時間▶ 彩盒♂ _newline_10 * 10 * 3cm紙箱✌ 數é‡(;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) 100pcs net✈ _newline_é‡é‡ï¸ 8kgâ›° 總é‡é‡â€ _newline_8.6kg☕ 主箱尺寸╠47.5 * 38 * 20cm(☞゚∀゚)☞ _newline_特點†*助ç†Â¬_¬ *自動é…å°â€ _newline_* *雙耳致電†*觸摸控制⚓ *最新的Qualcomm QCC3040(ᵔᴥᵔ) _newline_*攜帶任何手機,時尚苗æ¢ï¼Œå¾žæœªä¸Ÿå¤±â€ 產å“性能說明☠真æ£çš„無線耳塞很棒,但讓我們é¢å°å®ƒï¼Œä»ç„¶æœ‰æ”¹é€²çš„空間。耳機的劣質質é‡;†_newline_波濤洶湧的è—牙連接和令人討åŽçš„éŸ³é »å£åƒ;æ°¸é 抓ä½æ¡ˆå讓他們回到或者把它們拿出來;^Ì®^ 由於他們的å°å°ºå¯¸å¾ˆå®¹æ˜“失去......我們èªç‚ºæˆ‘們èªç‚ºæ‡‰è©²æ˜¯ä¸€å€‹æ›´å¥½çš„解決方案。除了其最高音質和æ–滾固體無線連接,媲美é¶å‘耳機å€å¢žï¼Œå®ƒçœŸæ£å°‡å…¶èˆ‡å…¶ä»–TWS耳塞å€åˆ†é–‹ä¾†çš„是它的範å¼è½‰æ›ç£å…±æŒ¯é‹å‹•ï¼Œä½¿å…¶é€£æŽ¥åˆ°iPhone 12,或者任何與包å«çš„超薄金屬框架一起使用時手機的背部。它是^Ì®^ 超級攜帶,儲å˜å’Œè¨ªå•ï¼Œç„¡è«–是在手機上還是單ç¨ä½¿ç”¨ï¼Œç‚ºæ‚¨æ供一個永é ä¸æœƒç¼ºå°‘的音樂^Ì®^ _newline_ï¼Œä¸¦éš¨æ™‚æº–å‚™å¥½ã€‚ï¸ è©³ç´°ä¿¡æ¯åœ–åƒ^Ì®^ 1。é…有超薄金屬框架,å¯å®‰è£åœ¨iPhone 12或任何移動電話的背é¢ã€‚易於攜帶,商店和訪å•ï¼Œç‚ºæ‚¨å¸¶ä¾†æ¨‚趣,從ä¸éš¨æ™‚丟失和å¯ç”¨ã€‚ï¸ _newline_3ã€‚ç©©å®šçš„éŸ³è³ªæ¨¡åž‹ï¸ å®ƒçš„ç¯„å¼è½‰æ›ç£é€šå¡ä¸Šçš„è¨è¨ˆï¼Œå¯å°‡å…¶é€£æŽ¥åˆ°iPhone 12,或者與包å«çš„超薄金屬框架一起使用。✊ 超級攜帶,å˜å„²å’Œè¨ªå•ï¼Œç„¡è«–是在手機上或者單ç¨ä½¿ç”¨ï¼Œç‚ºæ‚¨æä¾›ï¸ _newline_音樂的快樂永é ä¸æœƒä¸Ÿå¤±ï¼Œä¸¦ä¸”始終準備好手é 。♾ 五種é¡è‰²å¯ç”¨ï¼šBlackâž– 紅色⚖ _newline_ç°è‰²â™» è—色◠Mint( ͡°â•ÍœÊ–╮͡° ) _newline_產å“用法。◕‿◕。 如何在Snapod上進行觸摸控制? ≧☉_☉≦ å–®è²é“模å¼ï¼š1。暫åœ/æ’放:三個水é¾é †_newline_2。 Siri:雙水é¾é (° Í¡ Íœ Í¡Ê– Í¡ °) ç«‹é«”è²æ¨¡å¼ï¼š1。接è½é›»è©±ï¼šä¸€å€‹é»žæ“Šâ€ 2。掛斷電話:雙水é¾é †_newline_3。拒絕呼å«ï¼šä¸‰å€‹æ°´é¾é ♀ 4。 Siri:三個水é¾é ⬛ 5。音é‡ä¸Šå‡ï¼šå·¦è€³æ¡¿â€ _newline_6上的一個點擊。音é‡ä¸‹é™ï¼šå³è€³å¡žâ™Ÿ 7上的一個點擊。暫åœ/æ’放:雙é‡æ°´é¾é ( ゚ヮ゚) 8.下一個æŒæ›²ï¼šé•·æŒ‰å³å´è€³å¡žâ¬œ _newline_9.PreviousæŒæ›²ï¼šé•·æŒ‰å·¦è€³è€³å¡žâ€ 關閉:10。自動:當耳塞未連接Snapods時,它將在3分é˜å¾Œè‡ªå‹•é—œé–‰ã€‚Ì¿Ì¿ Ì¿Ì¿ Ì¿Ì¿ Ì¿'Ì¿'̵͇̿̿З= ( â–€ ͜͞ʖ▀) =Ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ Ì¿ Ì¿Ì¿ Ì¿Ì¿ Ì¿Ì¿ 11。手冊:aã€‚ä¸€æ—¦è€³å¡žæ”¾å…¥å……é›»ç›’ï¸ _newline_b,自動關閉。用BTè¨å‚™æ–·é–‹Snapods earbuds,然後長按15秒é˜ï¼Œå®ƒå°‡é—œé–‰ã€‚†使用Qualcomm 3040 S0C的優勢是什麼?⤠是最新的高通è—牙芯片組,QCC3040é…å‚™Snapods earbuds在行æ¥ä¸æœ€ç©©å®šï¼Œå¿«é€Ÿå’Œçœé›»çš„è—牙5.2無線連接。☠_newline_éŸ³æ¨‚å°‡ä½¿ç”¨åŠ å¼·çš„Truewirelessé¡åƒæŠ€è¡“從BTè¨å‚™ä»¥6Mbps傳輸到EABUD,這使得Monoå’ŒMono之間的終極無縫,平滑的角色交æ›èƒ½å¤ 交æ›ã€‚ç«‹é«”è²æ’放模å¼ï¼ŒåŠŸè€—åªæœ‰ä¸€åŠçš„å…ˆå‰çš„Gen Tws earbuds。↗ 呼出質é‡é€šéŽQCC3040的最新CVC噪è²æ¶ˆé™¤ç®—法進一æ¥å¢žå¼·ã€‚♥ 芯片的較å°ä¹Ÿè®“我們製作Snapods Ultra Slim輕盈,é©åˆæ‰‹æ©ŸèƒŒé¢ã€‚ï¸ _newline_以å‰å’Œé€™ä¸€å€‹ä¹‹é–“çš„å€åˆ¥æ˜¯ä»€éº¼ï¼Ÿâ€ 我們返回了TWS耳塞的本質:音質。我們使用最新的QCC3040 SoCè¨è¨ˆäº†å®ƒï¼Œå…·æœ‰æ›´é«˜çš„è—ç‰™ç‰ˆæœ¬ï¼Œç„¡éœ€æ›´å¿«ï¼Œæ›´åŠ çœé›»å’Œç©©å®šçš„無線傳輸;一種更先進的Truewireless†é¡åƒé…å°æ©Ÿåˆ¶ï¼Œç”¨æ–¼åœ¨è€³å¡žä¹‹é–“更無縫和迅速的交æ›;四個麥克風,具有最新⚖ _newline_高通的清晰語音æ•ç²ç®—法,用於清晰的呼å«ã€‚æ¤å¤–,我們立å³ä¿®æ”¹äº†Snapods案例ä¸çš„嵌入å¼ç£é«”ï¼Œä»¥ä¾¿åœ¨å¸‚å ´ä¸Šå‡ºç¾åœ¨æ–°çš„iPhone 12ä¸èˆ‡Magsafe相匹é…。這是一個é‡å¤§ï¸ æ”¹å–„ï¼Œå› ç‚ºå®ƒå°‡æˆç‚ºä¸–界上第一個帶有Magsafeçš„TWS耳塞,用於iPhone 12,這消除了使用粘åˆåŠ‘金屬框架的需è¦ã€‚總之,å³å°‡åœ¨11月份é‡æ–°å•Ÿå‹•çš„Snapods Betaå°‡å¸å¼•æ›´å»£æ³›çš„è§€çœ¾ï¼Œå› ç‚ºå®ƒåœ¨å¤–è§€å’ŒéŸ³é »æ€§èƒ½æ–¹é¢éƒ½å¢žå¼·äº†ã€‚✠高通å¨çˆ¾é›·é›·æ–¯æ–¯å…„弟Tehnology是什麼?為什麼它更先進⌛ _newline_比Qualcomm Tiquwireless Stereo Technology?†Snapods為真æ£çš„沉浸å¼è†è½é«”é©—æ供了最強大和無縫的無線連接。一次åªæœ‰ä¸€å€‹Earbudä¿æŒèˆ‡æ™ºèƒ½æ‰‹æ©Ÿçš„è—牙連接,而å¦ä¸€å€‹é¡åƒé€£æŽ¥ã€‚如果主è¦é€£æŽ¥è¢«åˆ‡æ–·æˆ–檢測到比é¡åƒèŠ½çš„弱,它將是b Product Description┬┴┬┴┤ ͜ʖ ͡°) ├┬┴┬┴ Product Nameï¸ _newline_M1ï¸ Chipsetï¸ JL 6973D49 _newline_Supï¸ Latest Qualcomm QCC3040 / Touch Button⃣ Charging Case Battey Capacity✈ _newline_400mAh†Earbuds Battery Capacity㊗ 30mAh*2†_newline_Speaker(¬‿¬) 13MM†Charging Interfaceâ± _newline_Type C ( ಠ͜ʖರೃ) Music playing time⣠45H playtime˙ ͜ʟ˙ _newline_Color Boxï¸ 10*10*3CM Car(╯°□°)╯︵ êž°OOQƎƆⱯɟ Quantity†_newline_100pcs Netï¸ Weight†8KGâš• _newline_Gross Weightâ² 8.6KG☠Master Box Sizeï¸ _newline_47.5*38*20CMâš• Features⇠* Voice Assistant†_newline_* Auto pairing†* Binaural call†* Touch control㊗ _newline_*Latest Qualcomm QCC3040ï¸ * Carry on any phone ,Stylish slim ,never lost(¬‿¬) Product performance description© _newline_True wireless earbuds are great, but let’s face it, there is still room for improvements. Inferior sound quality to headphones;†choppy Bluetooth connection and annoying audio stutter; take forever to find the case to put them back in or take them out;♥ notoriously easy to lose because of their small size…☎ _newline_We think there ought to be a better solution. Aside from its supreme sound quality and rock-solid wireless connection that rivalï¸ the headphones doubling its price, what really distinguishes it from other TWS earbuds is its paradigm-shifting magnetic snap-onï¸ design which keeps it attached to iPhone 12, or any phone’s back when used with the included ultra slim metallic frame. It is♉ _newline_super easy to carry, store and access, either on your phone or used alone, offering you a joy of music that can never be missing†and always ready at hand.â—” ⌣ â—” Details Imagesï¸ _newline_1. Comes with an ultra-thin metal frame, which can be installed on the back of iPhone 12 or any mobile phoneâš– 2. Easy to carry, store and access, bring you the fun of music that will never be lost and available at any time.ï¸ 3. Stable sound quality model♓ _newline_its paradigm-shifting magnetic snap-on design which keeps it attached to iPhone 12, or any phone’s back when used with the included ultra slim metallic frame.✠Super easy to carry, store and access, either on your phone or used alone, offering youâ• a joy of music that can never be missing and always ready at hand.⃣ _newline_Five color available :Black⛹ Redâ™ Grey†_newline_Blue†Mintâ—» Product Usage⛵ _newline_How to perform the touch control on Snapods ?ï¸ Mono mode:1. Pause / Play: Three Tapsâ›· 2. Siri: Double Taps†_newline_Stereo mode:1. Answer Call: One tap†2. Hang Up The Phone: Double tapsá•™(⇀‸↼‶)á•— 3. Reject Call: Three tapsï¸ _newline_4. Siri: Three taps⃣ 5. Volume up: One tap on the left earbudï¸ 6. Volume down: One tap on the right earbud༼ʘ̚ل͜ʘ̚༽ _newline_7. Pause/Play: Double taps†8.Next Songs: Long press on the right earbud†9.Previous Songs: Long press on the left earbudب_ب _newline_Shut-off:10. Auto: When Snapods earbud is not connected, it will turn off automatically after 3 minutes.♦ 11. Manual:a. Automatically shut-off once the earbud is put into the charging case☠b. Disconnect Snapods earbuds with your BT devices, then long press for 15 seconds, it will shut-off.| (• ◡•)| (âá´¥âƲ) _newline_Whats the advantage of using Qualcomm 3040 S0C ?⤵ Being the most up-to-date Qualcomm Bluetooth chipset, QCC3040 equips Snapods earbuds with the most stable, fast and power-saving Bluetooth 5.2 wireless connection in the industry.⌛ The music will be transmitted at 6Mbps from your BT device to the eabuds using the strengthened TrueWireless Mirroring Technology,which enables an ultimate seamless, smooth role swapping between mono and stereo play mode, with a power consumption only half of the previous gen TWS earbuds.☼.☼ _newline_The call quality is further enhanced through the latest cVc noise cancelling algorithm empowered by QCC3040.ب_ب The smaller package of the chip also allow us to make Snapods ultra slim and lightweight to fit on the back of your cellphone.(☞゚∀゚)☞ Whats the difference between Previous and this one ?ï¸ _newline_We returned to the essence of the TWS earbuds: the sound quality. We engineered it with the latest Qualcomm QCC3040 SoC, which has a higher Bluetooth version for a faster, more power-saving and stable wireless transmission; a more advanced TrueWireless☘ Mirroring pairing mechanism for a more seamless and swift swap between earbuds; four microphones with the most up-to-date†Qualcomm’s clear voice capture algorithm for crystal clear calls. Moreover, we made immediate modifications to the embeddedï¸ _newline_magnets in the Snapods case to match with the MagSafe in the new iPhone 12, as soon as it came out on the market. This is a major†improvement, as it is going to be the world’s first TWS earbuds with MagSafe for iPhone 12, which eliminates the need to use the adhesive metallic frame. In conclusion, the Snapods Beta which is about to relaunch soon in November will appeal to a much widerâ™ audience since it is enhanced in both appearance and audio performance.â™ _newline_What is Qualcomm TueWireleses Mrroring tehnology? And why is it more advanced(。◕‿‿◕。) than Qualcomm TrueWireless Stereo technology?†Snapods provides the most robust and seamless wireless connectivity for a truly immersive, on-the-go listening experience. Only one earbud at a time maintains the Bluetooth connection with the smartphone, while the other one mirrors the connection. In the event that the primary connection is cut off or detected to be weaker than that for the mirroring bud, it will be rapidly and seamlessly swapped from one bud to the other - all without you being aware or having to do a thing.†_newline_This translates to optimized sound quality free of glitches and dropouts, and a maximized battery life up to 50% longer when compared to the previous generation of TWS earbuds.†Does Snapods have to be used with an adhesive metallic frame for attachment ? No. Snapods is embedded with MagSafe for iPhone 12, which will inherently click onto the back of it, and moreover, any metallic surfaces such as your firdge door, locker, some laptops etc. However, when you want to attach Snapods to phone models other than iPhone 12, the included ultra slim metallic frame has to be used. To use the frame, simply peel its cover and apply it to the center back of your cellphone, and Snapods will be magnetically attach to it with great ease and precision.⛹ _newline_Extra frames can be pledged as add-ons to be adhered to any surface, so your Snapods can be literally attached to almost any surface you want, like the back of your Kindle, tablet, laptop, wall. You name it. The only limit to it will be your imagination!⺠Can the Metallicv frame can be reused ?ï¸ We have tested and the frame can be reused between two to three times while remain strongly adhesive. However, we don't recommend to repeatedly apply and remove the frame too often because it may become loose after some time of use.†_newline_Is the glue on the metalli frame removeable ?†We use removable adhesive in the metallic frame to make sure it can be easily removed without staining or leaving behind a sticky residue.≠How long does the battery last on one charge ?†_newline_The earbuds have a 5-hour playtime per charge for each earbud; the case provides an extra 40-hour playtime through multiple charges. So you will get a total of 45 hours of playtime out of your Snapods on one single charge.†How to recharge the Snapods ?⎠The earbuds can be recharged by putting them back in the charging case.â›° The charging case can be recharged by placing it on a wireless charing pad or connecting a USB Type-C cable.†â€
Product Currency: hkd
Product Price: 70
Price Valid Until: 1970-01-01
Product In-Stock: InStock
繩索長度:無線✌ 防水標準:IPX-5༼ 㤠ಥ_ಥ ༽㤠主動噪è²æ¶ˆé™¤ï¼šæ˜¯
產å“å稱:M1( ಠ͜ʖರೃ) é¡è‰²ï¼šé»‘色/紅色/ç°è‰²/
Blue / Mintï¸ BT版本:5.1âž–
充電接å£ï¼šé¡žåž‹C†æšè²å™¨ï¼š13mm⚪ 芯片組:JL 6973D4â€
音樂æ’放約3.5å°æ™‚☜(⌒▽⌒)☞ é›»æ± å®¹é‡ï¼š30mah * 2┠支æŒï¼šè§¸æ‘¸æŒ‰éˆ•â€
å’Œï¸ å–®å€‹é …ç›®ï´¾Í¡à¹Ì¯Í¡à¹ï´¿ O'RLY🔣 å–®
尺寸:12x12x4 cmâ€
†Product info⛹ Certification:ce☦
Is wireless:Yesâž¿ Sup Memory Card:Yesಠ‿↼ Vocalism Principle:Dynamicâ€
Volume Control:Yes✒ Control But:Yesï¸ Codecs:APT-Xï¸
Brand Name:Bayee☃ Model Number:M1♨ Style:In-ear, TWS (True Wireless Stereo)♂
Single package size:12X12X4 cmâ—‰_â—‰ Single gross weight:0.200 kgï¸
芯片組⤠JL 6973D40 支æŒâ€
最新Qualcomm QCC3040 /觸摸按鈕⚖ 充電盒Battey Capacity†400mahâ€
è€³å¡žé›»æ± å®¹é‡â€ 30mAh * 2ï¸ æšè²å™¨â©
13mm♑ 充電界é¢(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ éµå…¥Câš½
音樂æ’放時間✌ 45hæ’放時間▶ 彩盒♂
10 * 10 * 3cm紙✌ 數é‡(;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) net✈
é‡é‡ï¸ 8kgâ›° 總é‡é‡â€
8.6kg☕ 主尺寸╠47.5 * 38 * 20cm(☞゚∀゚)☞
特點†*助ç†Â¬_¬ *自動é…å°â€
* *雙耳致電†*觸摸控制⚓ *最新的Qualcomm QCC3040(ᵔᴥᵔ)
*攜帶任何手機,時尚苗æ¢ï¼Œå¾žæœªä¸Ÿå¤±â€ 產å“性能說明☠真æ£çš„無線耳塞很棒,但讓é¢å°å®ƒï¼Œä»ç„¶æœ‰æ”¹é€²çš„空間。耳機的劣質質é‡;â€
波濤洶湧的è—牙連接和令人討åŽçš„éŸ³é »å£åƒ;æ°¸é 抓ä½æ¡ˆå讓他們回到或者把它們拿出來;^Ì®^ 🌇他們的å°å°ºå¯¸å¾ˆå®¹æ˜“失去……èªç‚ºèªç‚ºæ‡‰è©²æ˜¯ä¸€å€‹æ›´å¥½çš„解決方案。除了其最高音質和æ–滾固體無線連接,媲美é¶å‘耳機å€å¢žï¼Œå®ƒçœŸæ£å°‡å…¶èˆ‡å…¶ä»–TWS耳塞å€åˆ†é–‹ä¾†çš„是它的範å¼è½‰æ›ç£å…±æŒ¯é‹å‹•ï¼Œä½¿å…¶é€£æŽ¥åˆ°iPhone 12,或者任何與包å«çš„超薄金屬框架一起使用時手機的背部。它是^Ì®^ 超級攜帶,儲å˜å’Œè¨ªå•ï¼Œç„¡è«–是在手機上還是單ç¨ä½¿ç”¨ï¼Œç‚ºæ‚¨æ供一個永é ä¸æœƒç¼ºå°‘的音樂^Ì®^
ï¼Œä¸¦éš¨æ™‚ðŸŒ‡å¥½ã€‚ï¸ è©³ç´°ä¿¡æ¯åœ–åƒ^Ì®^ 1。é…有超薄金屬框架,å¯å®‰è£åœ¨iPhone 12或任何移動電話的背é¢ã€‚易於攜帶,商店和訪å•ï¼Œç‚ºæ‚¨å¸¶ä¾†æ¨‚趣,從ä¸éš¨æ™‚丟失和å¯ç”¨ã€‚ï¸
3ã€‚ç©©å®šçš„éŸ³è³ªæ¨¡åž‹ï¸ å®ƒçš„ç¯„å¼è½‰æ›ç£é€šå¡ä¸Šçš„è¨è¨ˆï¼Œå¯å°‡å…¶é€£æŽ¥åˆ°iPhone 12,或者與包å«çš„超薄金屬框架一起使用。✊ 超級攜帶,å˜å„²å’Œè¨ªå•ï¼Œç„¡è«–是在手機上或者單ç¨ä½¿ç”¨ï¼Œç‚ºæ‚¨æä¾›ï¸
音樂的快樂永é ä¸æœƒä¸Ÿå¤±ï¼Œä¸¦ä¸”始終🌇好手é 。♾ 五種é¡è‰²å¯ç”¨ï¼šBlackâž– 紅色⚖
ç°è‰²â™» è—色◠Mint( ͡°â•ÍœÊ–╮͡° )
產å“用法。◕‿◕。 如何在Snapod上進行觸摸控制? ≧☉_☉≦ å–®è²é“模å¼ï¼š1。暫åœ/æ’放:三個水é¾é â€
2。 Siri:雙水é¾é (° Í¡ Íœ Í¡Ê– Í¡ °) ç«‹é«”è²æ¨¡å¼ï¼š1。接è½é›»è©±ï¼šä¸€å€‹â€ 2。掛斷電話:雙水é¾é â€
3。拒絕呼å«ï¼šä¸‰å€‹æ°´é¾é ♀ 4。 Siri:三個水é¾é ⬛ 5。音é‡ä¸Šå‡ï¼šå·¦è€³æ¡¿â€
6上的一個。音é‡ä¸‹é™ï¼šå³è€³å¡žâ™Ÿ 7上的一個。暫åœ/æ’放:雙é‡æ°´é¾é ( ゚ヮ゚) 8.下一個æŒæ›²ï¼šé•·æŒ‰å³å´è€³å¡žâ¬œ
9.PreviousæŒæ›²ï¼šé•·æŒ‰å·¦è€³è€³å¡žâ€ 關閉:10。自動:當耳塞未連接Snapods時,它將在3分é˜å¾Œè‡ªå‹•é—œé–‰ã€‚Ì¿Ì¿ Ì¿Ì¿ Ì¿Ì¿ Ì¿'Ì¿'̵͇̿̿З= ( â–€ ͜͞ʖ▀) =Ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ Ì¿ Ì¿Ì¿ Ì¿Ì¿ Ì¿Ì¿ 11。手冊:a。一旦耳塞放入充電盒ï¸
b,自動關閉。用BTè¨å‚™æ–·é–‹Snapods earbuds,然後長按15秒é˜ï¼Œå®ƒå°‡é—œé–‰ã€‚†使用Qualcomm 3040 S0Cçš„